Chapter 8

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Loki read until the last possible moment before the press conference. He used magic to change into his perfectly fitting all black suit and looked at himself in the mirror, admiring the sleek Midgardian garment. Midgard didn't have much of value, but this suit was definitely one of those few items.

Loki looked warily to the door to his suite when there was a knock on it after he was dressed. He frowned, but went to do the door to see who was there. His expression softened when he saw Morgan on the other side, dressed in a beautiful black and gold gown. The gown looked amazing with her hair, which was styled for the event, and showed off enough cleavage that the top of her arc reactor was visible.

Loki's eyes widened in surprise at seeing her. He hadn't expected to see her until they were at the event. And she looked absolutely stunning in her gown. That definitely helped have his mouth on the floor. Though he was a prince and not an oaf like Thor, "You look lovely, Lady Morgan," he said warmly, a prince at heart and compliments to ladies came easily.

"You look great too. That suit suits you," she replied brightly with a hint of a blush to her cheeks that said she was definitely interested in him. He was hot as Hel in that suit and they both knew it.

Loki gave her a genuine smile. He liked the Starklet. "Thank you. Shall we get going?" He realized that she had come to escort him and make sure he didn't get lost. It was a kindness from his friend.

"Let's get the boring part over with. Then there's food," she reminded him brightly, clearly bribing him with food, but it was a good bribe. Loki nodded and offered her his arm. He was a gentleman, after all. Morgan smiled and placed her hand on his arm. Her magic seemed to shimmer when she touched his arm, not quite there, but trying to manifest.

"I haven't had anyone's seidr react to mine like that before," he observed at the strange behavior of her power.

She looked up at him, curiosity in her eyes. "What does that mean?"

"Your seidr, your magic, is trying to manifest, but something is blocking it. I don't quite know what to make of it," Loki admitted. He was the master magician of Asgard. He should understand how her magic was working, but it was unlike anything he'd seen, except in small children.

"That sounds strange," Morgan replied, sounding concerned since it also sounded like a problem. She didn't even really know or believe that she had magic. She hadn't been able to believe her eyes when she was dying in the tower two years ago. "You really think I have magic?"

Loki nodded. "I know you do. It's not malevolent, just odd. It will be alright. We'll figure it out together," he reassured her. Morgan nodded and tried to relax. She knew nothing about magic, but Loki had said it would be ok, so she had no choice but to believe him.

The pair walked together to the meeting and conference room. They soon arrived and Loki released Morgan so she could go to her father if she wanted. Thor came over to them before Morgan could move away. Someone had dressed him for the event, since he looked spiffed up as well and Loki knew the oaf couldn't manage that on his own. "Brother, Lady Morgana," Thor greeted them warmly, clearly pleased to see them and even more pleased to see them together. He liked that Loki had a friend.

Loki inclined his head. "Brother," he replied politely, wary and untrusting of his brother still. He was trying, but it would take time to earn Loki's trust again.

Morgan blushed at the fact that Thor always insisted on using her full name. She left the two brothers to their devices and headed into the crowd to watch the press conference. She wasn't part of the team and even though she was famous, she tried to stay out of the spotlight.

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