Chapter 9

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Loki sighed in relief when they were safely away from the press, hiking up the stairs to their floors. Morgan had kicked off her heels and was carrying them as they climbed. It was safer in the stairwell than trying to take the elevator if they were trying to be sneaky. Which they were. Neither of them wanted to be caught sneaking out of the party. Morgan looked up at Loki when they reached his floor. "I'm up on the floor below the penthouse. Come up when you're ready and we can watch that movie."

Loki agreed to those terms and headed into his room to change into a soft pair of trousers and a green tunic, then headed up to her floor. Morgan had the entire floor below the penthouse, a huge apartment worthy of Tony's daughter. She was wearing pajamas when she answered the door: a tank top and a pair of pajama pants. She gave him a warm smile, honestly pleased to see him. "Ready for the movie?" she asked

Loki nodded, giving her a warm smile in return. He also couldn't help noticing her outfit, appraising the pajamas and finding them (and more her in them) very appealing. "Ready when you are."

Morgan beamed and led him into her suite. It was a huge apartment, including a giant entertainment area with the huge tv and comfortable couches spread around, which was where she led Loki. There were drinks and snacks set out on the coffee table already. She took a seat on her favorite couch and picked up the remote, ready to start the movie when he was comfortable. Loki sat beside her on the couch. "Is it any good?"

"I like it, though they did try to make Thor the hero of that story. The original cut had you as the villain, but Thor vetoed it and made them make a more accurate version of events," she replied, sounding like she'd studied the film.

Loki nodded. "That was... kind of him," he said thoughtfully, surprised Thor would care that much.

Morgan nodded and picked up her bowl of popcorn. She placed the couch blanket over her legs and settled in for the movie. Loki settled in beside her to watch the movie, curious over the snacks. Morgan started the movie and the lights dimmed in the room, leaving the giant screen as the main source of light. And of course the nightlight in Morgan's chest. Loki kept his eyes on the screen, instantly entranced by the movie. They had nothing like it on Asgard. The actor did an amazing job playing Loki and portrayed him in a good light. Loki was impressed with the movie, and with the actor.

Morgan smiled over at him when the movie was over. "Well?" she asked to get his opinion

"I'm impressed," Loki said softly. "I still did horrible things and the movie didn't excuse them, but it did hint at my being someone else's puppet."

Morgan nodded. "The movie of the events of the battle of New York will be coming out soon, which should make that more clear"

Loki nodded. "The actor, this Tom Hiddleston, he's not half bad." That was high praise coming from Loki.

Morgan giggled "I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to set up an interview with you," she teased Loki facepalmed. "Oh gods, I hope not."

Morgan laughed "Don't want to meet him?" she teased. She expected Loki to want to meet the man who was possibly his biggest fan.

"I don't want to deal with the press again," Loki moaned. "Dear Norns, that was a nightmare!"

Morgan giggled "Don't worry, you're safe from them for awhile and Tom won't bring press," she reassured him, sounding like she knew the actor reasonably well.

Loki sighed in relief. "Thank goodness for that."

"I don't like them either. They've been hounding me my whole life,"

Loki shuddered. He was used to attention, being a prince, but the press was even worse than that. "That must have been horrifying."

She nodded with her own groan. "Ergo why dad keeps having babysitters around me all the time. He even thinks I need someone to walk me to school like a littlie," she whined

Loki tilted his head. "Well, minors are easier to manipulate." He tried to keep his voice gentle, but he knew that kids could be more easily corrupted and controlled than adults. Even if Morgan was on the cusp of being a full adult.

Morgan huffed. "I am not easy to manipulate,"

"Not directly, no. But the people around you can be. One bad journal spreads a rumor, others take it up, your peers read it and there you go: social outcast overnight."

Morgan grumbled "You're not supposed to take my dad's side," she informed him. He was her friend and should be on her side

"I'm not taking your dad's side. I'm taking my own side," Loki told her warmly. "Take it from a master manipulator."

She smirked "Does that mean you're volunteering to get up early and walk me to school?" she teased. She hated her usual bodyguards.

"If that is what the Lady wishes," Loki replied with a smirk. She tilted her head, not sure how to take that. "Too much?" Loki asked. "Ironically, I don't socialize a lot, even though I'm a prince and it's a requirement. So, if I seem a bit awkward, I'm trying. I just don't find it as easy as others."

"You don't have to try so hard," she informed him. "Just be yourself"

"And if that self hides away in a room and reads a lot?"

She considered that. "It will make it harder to remind you that we're friends if you hide from me all the time,"

Loki nodded with a sigh. Friendship was hard and something he wasn't good at. "Therein lies the problem," he said softly. "I'm either a loner no one can get close to, or a little shit that causes trouble. You picked a Hel of a challenge for yourself."

She grinned. "Well, you can hide in your room when I'm in school," she replied easily. Problem solved

"That doesn't change the fact that you're still in danger on the streets,"

She shrugged "I've had near-constant babysitters since I was old enough to attend school and it's only gotten worse the last couple of years. I think it's part of SHIELD agent training now to try to keep track of the Stark Heiress for a day," she explained with a giggle.

Loki chuckled. "In that case, it seems my services aren't needed."

"Ah, but see, that would be where you're mistaken. Because I have this little habit of escaping my babysitters. Which they don't take too kindly to. So dad would love to find a babysitter that I agree to have accompany me"

"And you just left a gaping hole in your argument," Loki told her. "Your father hates my guts."

She shook her head "No, he doesn't. He just acts tough. Besides, it's not like he can't claim you're a capable bodyguard," she shrugged "but I won't press the matter," she yawned. It was getting late for Starklets who had school in the morning

Loki chuckled. "It's getting late, Starklet. I'll figure something out tomorrow."

"It is getting late," she agreed. Jarvis would yell at her soon if she didn't kick Loki out. "Seriously, you don't need to worry about walking me to school. I was teasing. We're friends, after all," she reminded him. He was stuck with her as a friend whether he wanted it or not. She'd step back if he truly didn't want it, but he didn't actually seem to mind.

Loki nodded and they both stood. Morgan walked her to the door to her suite. Loki gently took her hand and bowed to press a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "Thank you for your company this evening," he said pleasantly. "You made this night far more enjoyable than had you been absent."

Morgan gave him a warm smile. "Goodnight, Loki,"

"Good night, my Lady," Loki replied politely. "Pleasant dreams."

"And you," she bid him warmly

Loki bowed and stepped into the elevator. Once the doors closed, he slumped against the wall. He was a moron. An incompetent moron. He couldn't even impress one little Midgardian girl because his brain was a moron.

Smooth, Loki. Now she thinks you're a bumbling buffoon.

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