Got some Advice?

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Loki and Thor:

Loki: Hey my dear old brother.

Thor: How did you get this number?

Loki: Does this really matter?

Thor: Brother!

Loki: I have my ways.

Thor: Why would you even want my number?

Loki: I have my reasons.

Thor: And that would be?

Loki: Just curious. How do you tame a wild spider.

Thor: You want to tame a spider? What trickery is this?

Loki: No trickery. This preculiar spider is big and getting annoying.

Thor: Throw it out you idiot! Why would you even have a spider.

Loki: I thought I might get it on my side.

Thor: You are not talking about Spider-man now are you?

Loki: Who knows.

Thor: Brother stop this nonesense. 

Loki: I never said a thing.

Thor: You know he can deal with you.

Loki: I know but I am curious how are you guys dealing with that annoying web slinger?

Thor: Loki!

Loki: Yes, that is my name brother?

Thor: Tell me you won't start messing with him.

Loki: Okay, my dear brother I will tell you what you want to hear.

Loki: I won't mess with him.

Thor: You lied didn't you.

Loki: You asked.

Thor: Damn LOKI!

Loki: Yes, that is still my name.

Thor: What have you done to the spider?

Loki: Nothing of yet.

Thor: Leave it at that.

Loki: We will see about that.

Thor: Don't make me travel through all 9 lands to find your damn stupid ass.

Loki: I am not stupid, my dear brother.

Thor: Says the one that always gets busted.

Loki: No, says the one that always has bad luck but brilliant plans.

Loki: Anyways, I have to go spider-sit.

Loki went offline

Thor: LOKI!

Thor: LOKI!!!!! I swear brother, If I find out you did something to that spider!

3rd POV:

There was a reason why Loki started texting Thor since Spiderman decided to have fun while being kidnapped and just cause haywock. It was Loki who was starting to get annoyed since he had to constantly take the kid away from dangerous stuff or they would have been blown up 42 times by now.

Loki: Fucking hell kid! Stop touching everything.

Spidy: Meh! Don't care! UHHH what's that?

Loki: Don't touch it!

Spidy: And this?

Loki: NO!

Spidy: AAAANDD~ This!

Loki: NO! I am starting to regret this.

Spidy: I am starting to enjoy this.

Loki: *Sigh* What do I need to do for you to just calm down and give me a rest?

Spidy: How about you let me go?

Loki: No.

Spidy: Well then forget it.

This was how Peter continued to grab all kinds of stuff activating things he never saw in his life and question the heck out of Loki. In the end of the day, Loki was soo tired that he just collapsed on the floor while Peter looked at his surrounding and never found a way out. 

It was not that he couldn't go out but that he enjoyed himself way too much messing with the trickster that he decided to stay with Loki just a bit more. Needless to say he was currious if his team would come for him and how long it will take them to find out that he didn't had his phone with him or that it got destroyed immediately after he send the help notice.

Get the kid away from me!... No never mind! (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now