battle scars

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Years on the streets with no close calls would be a miracle. No one escaped without a mark being left...

Danger lurked behind every corner. It was the beating heart of the streets of London; the war may have ended, but the affects hadn't.

So many people loss their homes, their families, their friends.
One night you had it all, then the next, it was all gone, so fast that if you had blinked you would have missed it. With so many more people without homes, the streets of london were more dangerous and overcrowded then ever before.
Our family grew so big over the years that if I were to write about each and everyone of them, I would need to create a whole new story.
Sadly, more people meant more competition. Some joined the gangs some joined the 'families', some were taken away.
A select few tried to make it on their own, but that usually didn't last for long.

Territory was a huge cause for the fights. The most famous battle was between our family and one of the most aggressive gangs that haunted the streets of London.

One winter's night, not long after the first sighting of snow, I woke up to loud, agonized,  screams and shouts.
Panic flashed through me. I tensed, ready for a fight, ordered the young ones to stay here and ran down to the alley just off to the side of the deserted factory. Chaos scattered the alleyway. The silhouettes of angry fighting hid in the darkness. My instincts on high alert, I threw myself in to the battlefield. Throwing punches, ducking behind the odd bin, kicking targets, protecting the newbies, the list was endless. We lost 5 members of our family that night. Kacey, A new recruit not much older then 10, bolt, our fastest member, Blondie, one of the strongest and most loyal people I'll ever meet, Ian, so young and innocent,  and shivers, one of the most feared members of our group, were gone forever.

That was one of many battles that left it's scar...

Authors note:
Hi guys!
I hope you are enjoying this story, Let me know if there's anything you guys wanna see and I'll see if I can include it. Don't forget to vote or comment!
The next update will be in the next week or two as I'm studying at the minute.
See you then!

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