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Within the week I had left, Lizzie as well. I had asked her what she wanted and she had followed me, like she had since I first saved her from that man, who turned out to be her uncle.

The journey was long and tiring. We had hopped on a train and hidden in the toilets when the ticket man came round, when the ticket man had gone, we had found a seat by the window.

Not long in to the ride, an old couple cake and sat opposite us, they spent the journey laughing and smiling at Lizzie's bubbly nature, that only a child could achieve,  as she realised a new beginng was approaching. She watched the Rolling hills, green fields, and flowers of all colours flutter by as we sat there, on our way to freedom.
Together, we could get through anything. Together, anything was possible.

At first, the couple seemed suspicious. Of course, I had expected this; who wouldn't be suspicious of a girl with a boy barely out of adolescence, so I had told Lizzie that if anyone asked, I was her brother, our mother died recently and our father, who was heartbroken, has sent us to stay with our aunt.
The cover story was easily believed by the old couple, better then expected actually. Both of them offered their condolences and continued to talk to us the whole journey.

Finally. We arrived. Now we stood in front of the colossal boat. Awaiting the moment we could sneak on and start our voyage to the unknown...

author's note
Hi everyone!
Sorry its been a while, I haven't been well recently.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Is there anything you guys want to see?
Let me know in the comments!
I hope you are all having a good week♡

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