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It was the day after the 2001 Australian Grand Prix. More rather, it was in the middle of the night, barely 5th March. It was a night with very little sleep for the Flying Finn, Mika Häkkinen - as a nightmare had woken him up.


He was back in time, back to the qualifying session that almost took his life. But it felt different. It felt like something else other than that crash, was going to happen. He was approaching the corner where the puncture happened, the surroundings changed completely, albeit in a very glitchy way - he was now in Melbourne, and then he saw that crash, the one that happened just yesterday. The front-left suspension gave out, throwing him into the wall, sending debris his way - of which it cracked his helmet and putting him out of the race. The glitch returned and he was back in 1996, his car hit the kerb, went flying for about two seconds - before it hit the wall.

Voices echoed around his head, voices he recognised, and voices he did not. He was confused, why was he hearing those voices, why here - and why now? The only thing he could pitch out of it was something about Adelaide, and then Melbourne. The longer it went on, the more the voices overlapped. It felt like he was drowning, drowning in words. Drowning in criticism. It was a bit too much.


Mika bolted upright with a silent scream, looking left, right and centre. He was trembling, a nightmare having confused, and scared him. He squeezed the bed slightly. When he had crashed, all sorts of Adelaide flashbacks had appeared in front of his eyes. Almost like a déjà vu...

He blinked. He knew he had to keep quiet as he lifted the covers off of him, since he didn't want to wake his teammate, nor his rival. But he wasn't too successful, having heard quiet footsteps.

He looked towards the door, expecting it to open at any moment. And it did. But what he wasn't expecting, was that both DC and Micheal were awake. He whimpered.

"Mika, are you okay..?" the Scot asked, concern lining his voice.

"I'm fine." Mika dismissed, looking away.

"You're not fine, Mika." Micheal stated. "You were rolling around alot just earlier."

Mika didn't say anything back. What could he say? It was when his teammate switched the light on, did Mika really feel exposed, like a deer in a car's headlights. The shivers that wrecked his frame became almost immediatly noticeable to the other two.

"See!" Micheal exclaimed upon taking notice of the shivering. "You're not okay!"

A short silence fell over the three, though Mika occasionally made an odd sound, a strained sob almost.

"Did you have to, David?" the German sounded a little disgusted. Then again, the sudden appearance of light had temporarily blinded them all.

"Yes I did, Micheal. I don't want to wander around in the dark any more than I have to." the Scot frowned.

The two then walked over towards the Finn, who was still trembling. His teammate crawled onto the bed, before assuming a position behind the Flying Finn. Micheal also crawled onto the bed - but sat next to his rival, pressing his warmth into the Finn.

Mika sighed as his teammate gently pressed circles into his back in an attempt to calm him.

"It's alright, Mika, you're okay..." Micheal whispered. "We're here.. you're safe."

"Did you not see it?" the Finn sounded very on edge. "It could have been a repeat of what happened 6 years earlier! It... it could have killed me."

"Alright, alright.." the German muttered. "Sometimes you worry me, alot."

"You mean us, right Micheal?" the Scot quietly interrupted.


"It wasn't my intention-" the oldest of the trio muttered.

"It's alright Mika. We'll worry anyways.." Micheal stated softly, placing an arm around the Flying Finn's shoulders.

"Argh." Mika put his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. "Nightmares."

"You're not the only one who experiences them, Mika." his teammate said, still pressing calming circles into the Finn's back.

"Yeah - but how many people have had a near fatal accident? To be followed up by an almost repeat accident?" Mika sounded very afraid, very unlike his usual self. He then removed his hands from his head and instead placed them on the bed.

"Mika," Micheal whispered, "It's okay. You don't have to go through whatever's bothering you alone. DC and I can help you, if you wish..."

It was no time to be awake, and Mika was starting to feel the effects. His eyes were drooping, and he felt himself listing towards Micheal.

"You tired?" Micheal inquired, gently.

The Scot then clambered towards the edge of the bed, unable to press proper circles in his teammate's back anymore.

"No shit I'm tired. It's midnight, yet I'm unable to sleep." Mika responded.

"You want to try and sleep again?" David quietly asked his teammate.

"That would be great, to be honest." the Finn stated.

The younger Mclaren driver gently wrapped his arms around of his teammate, pulling him away from the 3x world champion so he could get up. The Scot then let go of his friend, so the 2x world champion could clamber back under the covers. His teammate followed suit.

Micheal walked towards the door, not really interested in seeing the pair of his rivals in the same bed, albeit both with a shirt on.

"Goodnight, guys." he smiled.

"Goodnight." the Mclaren duo stated at the same time.

The Ferrari driver shook his head in amusement. Those two, despite being teammates - and in direct competition with eachother, were very good friends. It was known that he was still in contact with his former Ferrari teammate, Eddie Irvine - despite the Northen Irishman being in a different team. In fact, it probably made it easier to contact him, since they weren't in direct competition anymore.

He switched the light off, allowing the teammates to sleep - before going back into his own room, sleeping almost immediately.


He found them at breakfast. They were at the same table, eating breakfast together. If he were to be honest, he enjoyed seeing them together. The two worked well together, not to mention the chemistry they had - helped by their long stint as teammates.

And then he saw his former teammate. Irvine was, by coincidence wasn't too far away. Micheal grabbed some breakfast, setting it down on the table Eddie was sitting at.

"Oh, good morning Micheal." the Jaguar driver looked up, suprised.

"Hi Eddie. Do you mind if I join you?" the other asked.

"Yeah sure, go ahead."

"Give me a minute, I'll be back." Micheal stated.

The Northen-Irishman shrugged as Micheal headed over to the table the two McLaren teammates were sitting. He asked if both were alright, which they were, before he went back to his own table and started to eat his own breakfast, the Jaguar driver occasionally making conversation with him.

A.N: I do not know where I went with this one, it just popped into my head and yeah. You can tell because of the ending. I also had a little less inspiration for the ending - because my thoughts dried up.
Hope you enjoyed and as ever: Votes/Comments are appreciated!

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