With her eyes.

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As he spoke about his family, she listened.

The love he held for his siblings, separated from him as they were, was precious to experience from his narrative.

He told her many stories, to which she gladly paid attention. For once, she wasn't the storyteller, she was not the reader either, she was just taking what was given without asking too many questions.

It was a day full of blue. Grey skies, mourning the end of its earth, she also, mourned what was yet to come.

"No conversation from me today." She said, hating herself for it.

She wanted to engage with him, she knew he was trying to make her feel better. She knew he could see the gloom in her features.

How, you may ask?

For the first time, it was him. He walked to her, asked...insisted...very calmly, that they go take a smoke together.

For the first time!
And she was stunned.
Why today? Of all days?
On a day she could not bring herself to smile. On a day she wanted to weep for reasons unknown.

"Okay," was her meek reply. She wouldn't be able to deny him, even if she wanted to.

As soon as they stepped outside, he began trying to bring her mind to the present.

Much to his dismay, she was sighing every two seconds.

She wanted to lay her head on his shoulder as he rambled on about his marijuana dealer going to a concert before he could make a purchase.

She observed the sky, as it cried.

Why? What was wrong?

And much to her surprise, the man didn't give up trying.

He in fact, voiced this out.

"If you think I'm letting you wallow in despair, you have another thing coming." Of course, his chuckle was heard right after these words.

How did this man manage to make it clear that he was having a bad day too, and still find a reason to laugh about it? She saw when he was tired, sometimes worried about something. His features never showed much, but she was a good nit-picker. She was always so observant, especially in days like those when she couldn't talk much. But with him, it was all the time.

She sighed, again, for the millionth time.

She did talk, somehow. She doesn't know how.

She found herself wondering out loud, her thoughts just random as they sounded.

"I've never met an asexual person." She said, dragging a smoke.

"A sexual person?" He raised his eyebrow.

She chuckled, "No, asexual. They don't feel attracted to anyone sexually. They don't know what horniness is. It's strange."

She was always thinking about bodily pleasure, always reading about it. Her music, her favourite books, her thoughts. All full of desire. She was a sexual human being. And she fully embraced it. So the concept was foreign to her.

But the guy next to her was making funny faces, first surprise, then worry.

"Even if they try?!" He asked, turning to face her with his body, as he was sitting right next to her.

She suppressed a laugh, "I think it would work if they tried, I'm not sure. But I do know that while sitting like this, their thoughts don't include sex...I think."

"Hm, wow." He said, and she nodded. It was wow indeed.

"I want to meet an asexual person, I have so many questions." She said and again, spaced out.

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