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*** I just wanted to make a note that I know Moon Knight is supposed to happen after Eternals but we're going to disregard that in this fic :)

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*** I just wanted to make a note that I know Moon Knight is supposed to happen after Eternals but we're going to disregard that in this fic :)

IYANA RAN A SINGLE HAND DOWN HER FACE AND SHUT HER LAPTOP CLOSED. She had already received her next assignment from her supervisor for when she had returned from leaving the artifacts in Cairo. Despite the fact of the new assignment meant being in new cities, the Eternal didn't want to think about leaving London.

With one glance at her watch she realized that it was getting pretty late and her bed back at the hotel was already calling her name. Iyana gathered her belongings and tossed them all bag into her work tote before she started to walk her way out of the museum. As she did, she typed out a text to Sersi with an excuse for not tagging along with her and Dane to a pub for drinks. One her way out, the lights had been turned off in each section of the museum one by one. Irritated she had stayed late enough again to walk through the museum in the dark, she used the dimmed lights in the museum to find her way to the exit.

Iyana's attention went back to her phone as it buzzed, signaling Sersi had sent a reply back. Her eyes were skimming the text when the sound of a dog squealing echoed throughout the museum. Immediately stopping in her tracks, she turned around to look back and wondered what the hell a dog would be doing in the museum. The Eternal knew very well that only service dogs were allowed and she hoped security managing the entrance would be smart enough to spot someone sneaking in anything that wasn't allowed. 

A low growling sound had Iyana stopping in her tracks to find what she assumed to be a dog in the museum. It wasn't a fear for dogs that had her stopping, but it was the fact that the growling didn't sound like it came from a dog but from something way bigger.

"Oh fuck." Iyana whispered the words to herself when the though that maybe it was a Deviant lurking throughout the museum.

As soon as the thought appeared in her head so did her doubts. She trusted that the rest of the Eternals had gotten the job done thousands of years ago. She trusted that they eradicated those monsters, but after everything that happened after that maybe she couldn't have as much faith in them as she did. Iyana cleared her mind and had sent a text to Sersi.


Once she hit send, she set her phone down inside her tote bag before laying the bag on the floor against a display case. Iyana was irritated that if needed she'd have to fight in her favorite white knitted halter-neck top and pair of fitted palazzo pants, but she had to make peace with it fast.

Iyana pulled herself out of her head the second she heard whistling as if calling out to a dog. Crap, she thought. She had completely forgot about security and whatnot that would stay late or overnight. Her heels were kicked off by the time she had finished manifesting the two golden short swords in both of her hands. The golden hue of the cosmic energy light up the room a little, giving Iyana the ability to see a bit better under the few dimmed lights inside the museum. She carefully and quietly walked back into the museum in the direction she came from.

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