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THE FOLLOWING DAY AT THE MUSEUM, IYANA WAITED AROUND THE ENTRANCE FOR STEVEN. She had wanted to see him to explain how in the hell he became Khonshu's Avatar. At the same time, she dreaded seeing him because of how abruptly he left last night after what had happened.

After he had disappeared, Sersi and Sprite met Iyana outside who explained all that had happened. They got rid of the footage that was covered by the cameras in the exhibition and replaced the footage with one of a "trespasser" using Sprite's illusions. It was the best solution for all the damaged items. Frankly, they did the best they could in the heat of the moment before leaving the museum in a haste.

Unfortunately for the Eternal, she couldn't sulk around the entrance all morning. A few of the groups had shown up early that morning and Iyana stepped in to help Dylan and the other guides.

"Thanks so much for helping out. I've never seen so many snotty kids all at once in the museum." Dylan commented to her with an unamused chuckle.

Iyana understood where Dylan was coming from. It was too early to be dealing with a bunch of kids from surrounding schools and it didn't help that she ended up with a bad group. Besides the teacher and chaperones, Iyana was always herding the kids back to the group and keeping them from breaking anything. Her final straw was when one of the students had been eating their applesauce with their hands and smeared one of the glass displays until the one side was covered in the food item. As much as she loved humans, the Eternal had had enough. She was at her breaking point. Iyana picked the child up and carried them over to the rest of the group. When she approached the teacher, she looked absolutely horrified and began apologizing profusely to Iyana while scolding the child. Iyana offered to take them to the gift shop and the teacher agreed instantly. The children were more than excited to finally head to the gift shop, ready to spend the money their parents had given them for the field trip.

One child was squeezing the crap out of one of the plush hippos that Iyana recognized was supposed to resemble the Egyptian goddess, Taweret. The little girl practically clung on the doll as she walked around the gift shop and looked at the other items. Iyana chuckled to herself and strode over to the girl.

"Looks like you've already picked out what you wanted, huh?" Iyana said to the girl as she crouched down in front of her. She held the little arm of the plush toy and pretending to tickle the girl with it."It's a smart choice by the way. Taweret, the goddess of fertility and rebirth. They call her the 'Great One'."

The girl stood there quietly, not even showing a hint of a smile when Iyana pretended to tickle her with the doll. The Eternal frowned at the absence of a reaction from the kid and instead stood up to help her over to the gift shop counter. At the counter, the gift shop employee rang up the girl's toy. The little girl handed over a bill and the employee gave her back her change and her doll.

Iyana made a suggestion to the girl if she wanted to put the change in her small backpack and she agreed with a nod of her head. The girl turned her back towards Iyana and let her stick the change in a small pocket of her backpack. As she did so, the sound of Steven's voice reached her ears. Her head whipped to face the direction of where his voice was coming from.

Steven was walking with JB over to where security sits at the entrance with all the monitors. Iyana ushered the girl back to her group before heading over. She decided to keep her distance and just listen in on what the two were going to talk about. The last thing she needed was Steven blaming all the damage on her, but she doubted her was the type of person to do that. The way he was acting with JB too erased that thought from her mind. He seemed tense and overly cautious, looking over his shoulder every so often while having a whispered conversation with JB. Iyana realized they were going over the footage and Steven explained that what had happened was crazy, but he instantly stopped talking upon seeing the footage of what she recreated with Sersi and Sprite.

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