Spoiler Alert + Acknowledgements

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  • Dedicated to Any Sherlock fan who can't wait for Season 3!

******SPOILER ALERT!!!*******

If you haven't seen at least the ending of the second season of the TV show 'Sherlock', don't read this.  Instead, go watch it, then come read this.  If you read this theory without watching it, you will be very confused and very sad that you know the ending to this incredible show.  Don't do it.

You have been warned.

After watching every episode of BBC's 'Sherlock' in about four days(stupid Netflix!), I have been driven insane as to how Sherlock could have survived the fall off of St. Bart's Hospital's roof.  As a result, I have wasted many hours reading about clues and theories explaining how the great detective did it.  Let me just say that I've only watched the episode once, and that it was only the second episode of 'Sherlock' that I had seen.  As a result, I may have missed some things.  Please discuss what you think happened in the comments!

Secondly, I have based my theory off of several sources.  I would like to thank my parents for the clue about the "off-color moment" Sherlock had that pointed to it.  Also, my thanks goes to eva-christine.tumblr.com for the IOU theory and the Richard Brook theory.  Read them if you have a chance.  In addition, I would like to say thank you to seriable.com and denofgeek.us, especially the commenters.  Now, as Sherlock would say, the game is on!

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