Chapter 7

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New part besties:)

Ella Pov:
I freeze from the sudden knock on the door.

That can't be my grandma she normally walks the dog for one hour. It has only been 30 minutes.

I peek trough the window to see 3 man in black suits.

That's enough for me to know that this is bad.

How did they find me already. I haven't even eaten my breakfast yet.

No time to be sad about that Ella. If you want to stay alive you need to leave.


There is a second knock.

The back door it is.

I sprint out trough the back door with my backpack and my phone.

I sent my grandma one last text before I smash my phone on the ground and throw it in a trashbin near the street.

"Hi grandma I'm already in the bus. See you next time X"

Now there is no trace of me anymore. It's like I vanished, like I never existed.

I can't go back to the bus. If they traced my phone and messages they will be all over that place by now.

I have to go somewhere they won't look. Somewhere they wouldn't think I'll go back to.


I have to back to school.

It's only a 5 minute walk from here. I'll leave in the first break. From school it's a 10 minute walk to the bus station. They should be gone by then.

Hopefully they think I left already.

Ella your a genius this is a great plan.

Elijah Pov:
'Elijah, she left' one of my men says.

I check my phone to see a message she sent to her grandma.

"Hi grandma I'm already in the bus. See you next time X"

Smart girl.

But not smart enough.

'You two, take the car and drive to the bus station. And wait there. I'll text you if we have an update.'

'The rest your with me. Start the car, fast. Her grandma can't know somethings wrong.'

They all nod and walk away.

I take one last look around the house.

She really thought she could get away that easily.

We're the mafia baby, nothings that easy.

Ella Pov:
I put my hood on and walk trough the door of my school. Nobody ever noticed me before so keeping my head down won't be so har-



I look up to see Gaby.


My voice sound cold and quiet in the hallway.

'Ella? Is that really you? What are you doing here!'


Why does everyone notice me now.

My oh so great plan turns out to be an big mistake.

I turn around to see where the voice came from.

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