Chapter 9

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Hiii sorry for the delay on the story.

Elijah Pov:
Here I am running after this stupid 18 year old girl.

Why can't she just make it easy for once.

She threw her bag on the ground and began sprinting. She really doesn't give up.

But I won't give up either.

I'm running.

No actually I'm sprinting as fast as I can. All this for a stupid fucking girl.

Normally the girls are chasing me. Not one of my best moments.

I feel sweat dripping from my forhead.

First she is making me run this fucking marathon and now I am sweating in my new Armani blouse. She is lucy Raf needs her unharmed.

My man are slowing down. This running in the hot sun isn't making this easy.

We have to catch her.


I round one more corner and see her running to a big chain link fence with two stone walls.

Thats it. She is done for.

+1 for Elijah.

But no.

She keeps running. She keep going.




Without hesatation she puts her shoes on the wires. I can hear her shoe sole tearing.

I give a signal to my men to get the car to the other side of the ally and then I walk up to the fence myself.

She is almost at the top.

I can hear her fast breaths. She sounds exhausted. But she keeps climbing up the fence. The sharp whires cutting into her skin with every step she takes.

I hate to admit it, but I kinda admire that.

No Elijah.

Just get the fucking girl. She is enough troubles as it is.

I walk closer to the fence.

She is at the top looking down hessitant. She isn't going to jump. The fence is at least 3 meters high if not 4.

She aint that crazy.

Just as I am about to tell her to come down she looks back straight at me.

We make eye contact for a few seconds. I can see the fear leave her eyes and just like that she jumps of the fence on to the hard stone ground.


Not good.

This bitch is crazy.

I can hear Raf his exact words.

"The girl needs to stay unharmed"

And here I am looking at the girl. Blood is trickiling down her arms and legs. She looks like she just got beat up and the most fucked up thing is.

She still keeps going.

That means I have to keep going and I am deffinitly not in the mood.

Little short but I will try to post more. Thank you for the support:)

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