Code Red ~Chase Elliott (Nascar)

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Request for brittanycoulson

Some people love the hustle and bustle of a busy morning on race day and some love the hustle and bustle of a busy hospital, I just so happen to be the person that enjoys both. My name is Riley Lynch and I work at Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Dawsonville, Georgia. You may be thinking why does Dawsonville sound so familiar? Well my boyfriend is Chase Elliott the NASCAR driver and he and his family are very well known from being right here in Dawsonville and total NASCAR legends.

Today was one of those days that I had to be at the hospital early. I got up at around 4:00 this morning to begin getting ready. As soon as I got up my boyfriend Chase stirred in his sleep, I quickly leaned forward kissing his cheek which calmed him down. I found a sheet of paper and jotted down a little note for him saying that I had to be at work early this morning and that I loved him. After I finished the note I went to my closet to find some of my cute princess themed scrubs to wear. I work in the Pediatrics department, so I always try and wear something that the children will like. When I got the scrubs on I made sure that they were still loose and comfortable considering that I was currently 4 months pregnant with a baby girl. Once I was ready I grabbed my hot tea in my thermos and then I was ready for the day.

—Time Jump—
I received so many compliments on my scrubs this morning from my co workers and some of my patients. One of the patients that I was assigned was a sweet little 4 year old girl named Rose that has cancer. She was having her surgery today. It was my job to go in and get her ready and prepped for surgery. Rose had about 2 hours before her surgery, so I decided on bringing her some coloring books that we could color before it is time for her surgery. I brought some that were Disney themed and SpongeBob themed.

While we were coloring she began asking me about myself. I began telling her a little bit about me. "My name is Riley. I am originally from Littleton, Colorado. My dad is Riker Lynch of the band R5, so that makes Rydel, Rocky, Ross, and Ryland my aunt and uncles. I have been living in Georgia for 5 years now. While I was attending college at the University of North Georgia I met my boyfriend Chase." Rose looked at me and was smiling so big. She said "he seems to be special, do you have any pictures of him?" I blushed and then said "of course I do. Let me find a selfie that he sent to me."  I pulled out my phone and went through my pictures and found this one that he had sent me from when he won.

"  I pulled out my phone and went through my pictures and found this one that he had sent me from when he won

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Rose's mom Meredith came back into the room from meeting with the doctor. They were going over how her surgery would go. After Meredith came back in she came over and sat with us and just watched Rose color some more pictures. She began talking to me and said "I know that I shouldn't be intruding on your business but I noticed your baby bump." I looked up from coloring and smiled at her. I then said "oh please you are not intruding at all. Yes ma'am I am pregnant." Rose then looked at me and asked if I knew about the baby in my tummy. I giggled then answered her by saying "yes, I do know that there is a baby in my tummy. I can also tell you that the baby is a girl." She came over and hugged me when I told her that. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was close to 1 o'clock which is when I need to be getting Rose ready and prepared for surgery.

10 minutes had passed and it was now 1 o'clock. I walked over to Meredith and told her that it was now time. She knew right away and quickly walked over to her daughter while I got the wheelchair for her. Once we got Rose settled it was time for her to be taken to the OR for her surgery. When we got down to the operating room I picked up Rose and placed her on the bed and fixed her blankets for her. I gave her one last little hug before my coworker Stephanie was coming in to get her ready with the anesthesia.

After I left the  OR I went back up to the room to tell Meredith that Rose was heading into surgery. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket so I took it out to look at what the notification was. It was from my boyfriend Chase. He said that he had seen my note earlier and wanted to know when my lunch break was. He wanted to meet me for lunch here at the hospital. I shot back a text and said that it was in a few minutes. He said "perfect sweet thang I'll see you in just a second then." I laughed and thought this boy is something else.

I grabbed my wristlet purse and my pager I was ready to head downstairs and meet Chase. Once I reached the bottom floor I saw Chase standing there next to the other elevators waiting. I stepped out of the elevator and speed walked over to him. He engulfed me in a big hug in his muscular arms. We stood there for a few minutes before pulling away, but before I could pull all the way back he kissed me on my forehead. He then grabbed my hand and we started walking to the cafeteria.

Chase told me to go and find us a seat while he went and grabbed us some food. I found a small booth that was on the side of the cafeteria. Chase came back with some grilled cheese sandwiches and some tomato bisque soup. He always knew what kind of food to get and it is one of my favorite meals. While we are eating we talked and I told him about how my morning went. I told him that I was assigned one of the sweetest patients. He could tell that I was starting to get a little emotional about it, so he reached out and grabbed my hand. After we finished eating he took me outside to the hospital courtyard where all the beautiful flowers are.

Next thing I knew he was down on one knee in front of me. He looked up and said "Riley Lynch I have loved you since the first day we met back in college. I knew right then and there that you were going to be my wife one day. That day would be today so...will you do me the honor and marry me?"

That my friends was a day that I will truly never forget

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That my friends was a day that I will truly never forget. I met the sweetest little girl and the love of my life asked me to marry him (of course I totally said yes by the way).

A/N: I planned on posting this yesterday but I ended up going to the Braves game! Hope that you enjoy it. Chase is so cute too!

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