Chapter 14

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The only sound throughout the large room were the footsteps of Gaara as he made his way back to his team, and those of the medics who took away Misumi's body, covered in a blanket. Naruto frowned as he watched the body be taken away, kicking himself for not making a move on his own.

"Damn." Asuma said, shaking his head with his face etched in a deep frown. "I thought that kid had an evil look in his eye, but I didn't expect that..."

'Naruto didn't exaggerate in the slightest. I should've been ready to step in.' Kakashi thought as he watched Gaara make his way back to his team. 'But... something about that jutsu...'

Yoroi snarled and slammed his fist against the railing, drawing all the Konoha Genin's eyes to him. His sensei put a hand on his shoulder. "I know. There's nothing more we can do, save it for your match."

Naruto gave him a sympathetic look. "Sorry about your teammate." He said, getting their attention. He looked down and balled his hands into fists. "Kabuto helped me out back in the forest... I owe you guys. I knew how dangerous Gaara was, I should have done something."

Yoroi gave a sigh, feigning sorrow and understanding. Compassion and camaraderie were rare commodities among spies, especially under employment under a master like his. Truthfully, all he was feeling at the moment was frustration at his own weakened position, but he easily suppressed that. "You couldn't have known that Gaara would end it that quickly. And this is just how the world is. Being a shinobi means you could die any day, there's no telling when your number will be up."

Naruto didn't seem the least bit placated by that. "I know that, but..."

"But it doesn't make losing comrades any easier." Kakashi answered for him, causing his students to look at him. The look in his eye made them remember he had a lot of experience with that.

In the arena, Hayate cleared his throat, cutting off any further statements. "Excuse me, but as this was well within the allowances for the exam, we'll be continuing the prelims now." At that, the scoreboard sounded again. The Rookie 9, eager to get their minds off what they just saw, turned their attention to it. In a few moments the next match was decided.

Kiba vs Mubi

"Looks like it's our turn. I think we got one of those losers Naruto took down, this should be a piece of cake." Kiba said before looking down at the dog. "Let's show 'em what we got, huh Akamaru?" The dog barked in response.

"You're our last shot. Don't screw this up." Oboro said to his teammate.

"Relax; I'm up against a boy and his mutt. How tough could they be?"

Kagari face palmed as his teammate tempted fate. "We're doomed."

The two genin stood across from each other, both ready to fight. Kiba would normally be smirking, but the stench of the blood surrounding him dampened his excitement somewhat. Akamaru leapt out of his coat and stood on the ground beside him.

"And what's that tiny little runt gonna do? Growl at me until I cower in fear?"

"Word of advice. Don't taunt Akamaru." Kiba said seriously and the dog growled at his side.

"I'm positively shaking."

"If you're ready." Hayate said, looking from one to the other. "You can begin."

Kiba immediately leapt back as Mubi shot forward to attack and landed in a crouch, forming a single hand seal. "Alright. Ninja Art: Beast Mimicry! All Fours Jutsu!" Kiba declared as chakra began to visibly leak from his body. As the jutsu implied, he got down on all fours, his nails lengthening and his canine's growing larger, giving the boy a more feral appearance.

Naruto: Jinchuriki of the Six Paths by X009Where stories live. Discover now