chapter 2:minhyuk and jaehyuk

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After school I go to my my parents' restaurant/bakery and soon as I enter I'm welcomed with the sweet smell of delicious food and pastries baked. I walk up behind the counter and see my strawberry chocolate cake before cutting myself a slice and placing it on a plate. I grab a fork and take a bit

"Oh my god it's so delicious" I said

"Y/n couldn't you wait until after dinner" I heard my mom said

A sheepish grin makes it away on my lips as I feel embarrassed that I got caught red handed.

I turn around and smile innocently at her "Sorry mom, but you know how much I can't resist your strawberry chocolate cake. It's so good can you blame me" I said

She smiles and playfully rolls her eyes and I continue eating the slice I cut. My dad comes out of the kitchen wiping his hands while his apron is covered in flour and smiles at me

"Y/n, sweetie your here. How was school?" he asked me and hugs me

"Dad your getting flour on me" I said a little annoyed

"Oh sorry sweetie" he said and chuckles

I laugh "It's alright dad. I need to change out of my uniform. School was great expect for the fact that I got paired up with Jungkook on a project for class. He's coming over" I said and sigh annoyed

"Oh he's coming over? We should have prepared his favorite meal and dessert" my mom said

I sigh and roll my eyes while my parents smile. My parents have always teased me with Jungkook, always saying that we would be such a great couple.

"Mom, dad it's not a big deal having him over. You can make him anything you want. He's eat anything, trust me" I said and open the door to our interconnecting living room

"Oh Y/n sweetie" my mom said making me stop and turn around to face her

"Yeah mom" I said

"There are two little boys are inside the house. They wondered into the restaurant, saying that they were waiting for their mama and papa. Can you take care of them until their parents arrive?" she said

Great not only am I going to have to deal with Jungkook later to work on this dumb project, but babysit not one but two kids. Awesome, but I know how busy my parents are with the restaurant and bakery so I'm not going to argue with them.

I nod "Okay mom. I'll take care of them, but if they cry don't blame me" I said and give a small laugh

She gives a sweet laugh "Don't worry sweetie, the boys are too sweet, polite and they are so adorable" she said

"How old are they?" I asked

"Four years old" she said

I nod and enter and start looking for the twins, I look for them everywhere and I don't see them anywhere. Then I decide to check my room which is the only room I haven't checked yet.

I see that my door is wide open and I sigh hoping that they didn't mess up my room cause I really don't want to scold the children. But at the same time why would my mom just let them wander around the house and why would they be in my room.

I enter my room and sigh in relief to see that my room isn't at all a mess. It's nice and clean just I like always have it. I look over to see the two little boys sitting on the small sofa I have near the window as they look are looking out the window and smiling. Aww they have such cute smiles, but at the same time familiar. I become surprise at how they look so familiar, why is that?

I stand by the doorframe for a while as I examine the features of the boys and notice that they have same nose and face structure as mine when I was younger and that they have the most adorable doe eyes and pouty lips and pale skin as someone familiar.

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