chapter 3:we're parents?!

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"O-okay Minhyuk and Jaehyuk do you want to have some delicious chocolate pudding?" I said and smile

They smile brightly as their eyes sparkle with happiness and they eagerly nod their heads. I smile and quickly go to my small mini fridge that I have in my room. My parents got me a mini fridge last year for my birthday cause I always wanted one. I take the puddings out and grab two plastic spoons from the drawer where I keep the bag of plastic spoons and gave them the pudding

They are happy and smile at me "Thank you mama" they both said happily before eating their pudding and sitting on the sofa. I smile "Your welcome little ones" I said

Suddenly I'm grabbed by my wrist by Jungkook and he brings me a little closer to him and I realize the the space between us is almost non-existent and for a moment I feel my heart beating a little fast.

"We're parents?! How do we have two children and you never told me about it?! Did—we were drunk? Or—"

"I'm just as shocked as you. Jungkook I'm 17 and your 18, we're high schoolers, those kids are four year olds. That means we would have been younger when we had them" I said and scoff "Besides I would never touch you in that way" I said

He smirks and tighten his grip on my wrist and pulls me even more closer if it's even possible and our lips are not barely apart from each other's. I don't know why but I have the feeling to kiss him. Wow did I just say that? What's wrong with me?

"Really? Are you sure about that? Because love I don't think there would be two little boys right here claiming to be our sons if we didn't. Besides we have friends who had sex already and young too. Maybe we should do it" he said in a flirty tone and smirks

I roll my eyes at him while he laughs "Really? Well I think you keep dreaming" I said in a flirty tone and chuckle "We have two kids to watch" I said and look to see the two little boys looking at us innocently looking so cute

He chuckles and backs away giving me space and he goes over to Minhyuk and I go over to Jaehyuk.

"Look at you two being all messy" Jungkook said and puts Minhyuk into his lap

I put Jaehyuk on my lap and I grab the wipes before handing on to Jungkook and we start to wipe their face and hands

"We're sorry mama and papa" Minhyuk said pouty

"We were messy" Jaehyuk said pouty

Jungkook and I smile at their cuteness

"It's okay. Don't worry we'll clean you two up" I said

They giggle as we clean them up while Jungkook and I laugh together

"They really are messy" I said laughing

"Yeah, but they cute messy" he said laughing

I nod and smile at him and he looks at me smiling. We look at each other for a moment and I feel my heart beating fast in a good way. We go back to continue cleaning the twins

Nobody POV
Jungkook is pacing back and forth as Y/n is sitting on the bed and sighs and getting dizzy before standing up walking towards him

"Babe calm down. Alright, your making me dizzy and your going to make yourself dizzy too" she said

"Babe I can't do this anymore, we have go get the twins back and get out of this timeline. I miss home" he said

She leaves laughs while her husband looks at her pouting thinking that she is not taking him seriously.

"Kook they are going to be fine. My and your young self will take good care of Minhyukie and Jaehyukie" she said and smiles "Once they fall asleep we will take them and get out of here" she said

He sighs running his hands though his hair "Why did your brother have to make that time machine? And why did the twins have to be curious?" he asked

She laughs "Babe they're four years old. Kids at their age are always curious about stuff. Don't blame Taehyun how was he supposed to know they would open the door into the room" she said

Y/n's little brother Taehyun who is 20 invented a time machine and was babysitting Minhyuk and Jaehyuk while Y/n and Jungkook were on a date. When they got to Taehyun's house to pick up the twins they had just disappeared

When they hears the news, Y/n and Jungkook immediately jumped into the time machine to go back in time to where the twins traveled.

"I can't believe that they still knew where your parents restaurant-bakery still was" he said

Y/n's parents restaurant-bakery moved to another location and the twins only saw it twice when they were two, but they had such a good memory considering they were two when the last saw it.

"Yeah me either" she said and smiles "Do you know what's today's date?" she asked

May 19, 2017 the day that Jungkook confessed his feelings for Y/n and they became a couple

"How could I forget? The best day of my life when you become mine" he said and smiles happily  showing his bunny smile

He grabs her wrist and pulls her closer to him and kisses her "I love you so much, my love" he said

She smiles "I love you so much too babe" she said

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