Chapter 3

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Your POV

I have no idea where Vicky went, but who cares? As long as she is far enough away from me and she doesn't bother me, that's fine in my book.

I finished Timmy's cake just in time, putting it in the bottom drawer of the fridge. Vicky wouldn't bother to look for it there.

I cleaned up and made my way up the staircase. As I came near my bedroom door, I heard Timmy's voice. Presumming that he was talking to Cosmo and Wanda.
"WHAT?!", I heard Timmy yell, "Yuck! Not in a billion years!" with the respond of an unfamiliar male voice. "Oh, then who is your sister?"

"Timmy, who are you talking to- ..." I asked but stopping mid-sentence. Two pair of eyes looking back at me. Timmy was standing on the end of my bed. While a guy of, probably 16 or so, lay down on it, tied up in metal chains.

He had jetblack hair along with a little goattee. He wore a red sweater and beanie with blue jeans and some white sneakers at the bottom.

He flashed me a kind, warm smile. "Hi."

But I? I didn't really know how to react, so I stood there like I had been struck by lightning. How would anybody react to discovering a stranger in their house.

"Uh... hi?" I replied.

Timmy didn't utter a single word, glancing towards Cosmo's and Wanda's fishbowl. They each flashing me an innocent smile aswell.

"Timmy, a word ..." I said a little sern, opening our connecting door to let him walk out first, me following close behind, "We're be right back." I said as I shut the bedroom door behind us.

Cosmo and Wanda were now flying on either side of his head. I squatted down in front of my little brother, leaning my back against the door while pinching the bridge of my nose. "Care to explain why there is a famous teen singer tied up on my bed?"

Timmy swallowed hardly, glancing at Cosmo and Wanda.

"Uh..." The fairies spoke in unison.

Timmy sighed one last time and started explaining: "I was just sick of it! Mom and Dad always leaving us alone with Vicky. Especially today of all days! So as payback, I wished that the worst possible non-lethal thing would happen to Chip Skylark. Which turned out to be that he's stuck here with Vicky just like us!" His face filled with sadness, guilt and slight irritation.

I smiled at him for being honest with me. But even so. The situation he had created, wasn't the right way to react.

"You are right, (Y/N). And as it turns out he even isn't as bad as I originally though." He looked down at the toy he had recieved from Chip just moments earlier. He turned to Cosmo and Wanda, "I wish Chip was free and out of Vicky's clutches."

A loud 'Pfffffftttt' coming from their wands. Indicating something went wrong.

"What's going on guys?" I asked.

"Uh, well you know who the rules say we can't break up true love?" Wanda said, running through the pages of the thick book.

I nodded "What about it?"

"So?" Timmy added.

I could hear Vicky stomp up the stairs. Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda and I peeked through the door slit.

She opened the door, wearing a pink frilly dress with a matching bow in her hair. She was holding a basket of flowers with little hearts floating around her head. "Hello my love, who I truly love with all the love in my heart...", she said, skipping over to the bed and dropping a dozen of roses over him, "LOVE~ ..."

"Well, that explains it ..." I sighed, facepalming myself in the process.

She pushed over the small TV to the bed, "You can watch this, while I find someone who will preform a marriage ceremony between a crazed fan and a celebirty teen hostage. TO THE INTERNET!!!" Vicky explained and ran outside, slamming the bedroomdoor close along with it.

Third POV

Cosmo and Wanda transformed back into their fishform and went back in their bowl. The Turner siblings entred (Y/N)'s room. Timmy holding the fishbowl, placing it in its usual spot on the nightstand.

Yes, they had two fishbowls. That way Cosmo and Wanda could switch rooms whenever they wanted.

The TV was playing loudly.

"It's a scene of masked chaos here at the Dimmsdale Dimmadome Stadium. Where everyone is eagerly asking the same question. WHERE IS CHIP SKYLARK?!" The ankorman asked in distress, his clothes ripped and bruses forming on his arms and face.

People had angry expressions, shouting 'We want Chip!!!!' over and over again. Timmy took a seat in front of the TV as (Y/N) stood beside it.

Mom and Dad were now in front of the camera, one with an angry and the other a scared complection.

Mom was the first to speak: "If Chip doesn't show up, I'm going to punish our children for no reason!"

"(Y/N), Timmy, if you two are watching this. Run!" Dad warned us while grabbing hold of the camera, before the signal fell out. (Y/N) turning off the TV.

As their gaze met Chip's, he look morrified. "Fans! Hundred of them, disappointed! My fault! Guilt grown! Teeth are becoming less shiny ... Hair losing shine." He struggled against the chains.

His teeth became yellowish as his hair became greyish and dull. His looked like some kind of zombie that hadn't slept in years.

Wanda covered her eyed and screamed out in discust. While a chill went down (Y/N)'s spine and her face turned a little paler than usual. It truly was a sight that spooked her.

"What now?!" Timmy whisper-yelled, the two of us turning away slightly from the depressed tied up singer. (Y/N) tapped her chin in thought. The others doing the same thing.

"We have to get Chip out of here! Cosmo, go to the concert and stall for as long as you possibly can!" (Y/N) said in a serious tone, relatively calm by the situation.

The small goldfish smiled brightly at that suggestion, "COOOOL!" He held an electric triangle in his small fins, "I'm gonna get my old band back together!"
He poofed away to the concert.

The brother and sister looked at one another. "Wanda and I will try to get a hold of his manager. (Y/N), can you stay here with Chip and distract Vicky for as long as possible?"

(Y/N) smiled while nodding, "Sure, I'll try. But first ... Wanda I wish that the internet didn't work. Well not 'not' work, but just make it reeeaaally slow so Vicky will take longer. That will stall her, but hurry. Vicky isn't that easy to trick."

"On it!" Wanda winked at the girl for the clever idea, waving her wand within her small fin.

The kids gave each other a little high five and with that, the plan was put into action. Timmy and Wanda went to his room trying to find a way to get hold of Chip's manager.

This left (Y/N) and Chip alone in the room.

--- At the concert with Cosmo ---

In the stadium, the public was starting to lose their patience, "WE WANT CHIP!" the wimen shouted, follow by Dad saying "Or else ..."

This went on for a few times.

Until Cosmo appeared in stage, "Hello Dimmsdale! Are you ready for Chip Skylark?", saying that last part in a deep voice.

The crowd went wild, waving flags and holding signs with Chips photo and name.

"Well, he's not here yet!" Cosmo said.

Only to get a tomato smacked in his face for the unwanted answer. He lowered his voice again, to gain excitement among the crowd. "Instead, please put your hands together ... for you opening act!"

One by one the members of his former band popped up. Existing of Pan on the panflute, Santa on drumbs and Beethhoven on organ.

"And I am Cosmo and together we're THE FAIRIES!"

Booooo's errupted from the audience. People throwing tomatoes and other veggies. Until Cosmo and the others were buried underneath them.

Their heads popping out of the smashed tomatoes, glaring at Cosmo who smiled at them innocently.

A Girl and A Teen Singing Sensation (Chip Skylark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now