Chapter 17

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Your POV

A sigh escaping my lips in relief once he had left.

"Okay guys, new plan. The party is cancelled. No party, no presents, no cake. I really don't want to give Jorgen the opportunity to take you away from me." I said. I took the hanger with the party dress, which I had taken out the previous night, hanging it back inside my closet and taking out a pair of jeans, a loose grey shirt and a sweater instead.

 I took the hanger with the party dress, which I had taken out the previous night, hanging it back inside my closet and taking out a pair of jeans, a loose grey shirt and a sweater instead

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[Your outfit]

I disappeared into the bathroom for 10 minutes before coming back out again. Brushing out my (H/L) (H/C) hair, since I had washed and styled it yesterday. Doing the necessary in order to put it in my favorite daily hairstyle. Finishing the outfit by putting on my favorite necklace.

"But (Y/N), what if your parents throw you a party?" Wanda questioned.

"Relax, Wanda. My parents manage to forget my and Timmy's birthday every year! There is absolutely no way that they will throw me a party." I said confident.

"Oh Timmy! (Y/N)! Can you two come help us with this party stuff?!" Dad yelled from the driveway.

'Really? This year out of all of them?!' I thoughted, silently annoyed by their timing.

"Is it time to panic now?" Cosmo questioned, biting his nails in panic.

"Uh, yep..." Timmy and I said in unison.
When it hit me like a brick wall. "AAAAH! We can't let Jorgen see any signs of a party!" I screamed in fright.

I rushed down the hall and down the staircase. Timmy close behind.
As we got to the front door, we saw Mom and Dad walk in with a giant cake in their hands decorated in frosting.

"Hi (Y/N), hi Timmy! Guess what we-" Mom started.

When Timmy suddenly cut her off. "We can't have cake in this house!"

I slightly sweatdropped.

"Why not?" Mom and Dad asked, clearly confused.

"Because of... uh..." Timmy began, thinking of an excuse.
"Pie lovers! You know how they hate cake. Do you want a riot your hands?!" I stated. grabbing the huge cake out of their hands and rushing to the kitchen with it. My eyes dashing around for a possible hiding place, eventually landing on the oven.

I ripped the handle down and shoved the dessert inside, slamming it shut not a second later. Mom and Dad standing in the entry way between the kitchen and living room, somewhat startled by my behaviour. "Now quick, get out of here before the pie lovers show up!"

"Oh no, I think I hear them coming!" Timmy said fast, cupping his hand around his ear.

Mom and Dad now confinced.
"AH! Pie people are scary peope!" Dad said frightend.

"They are frosting hating freaks!" Mom agreed before they both rushed outside, jumping into their car and speeding off.

Timmy and I giving one another a high five at our accomplishment.
"Okay, what next?" I thoughed out loud, running out the kitchen. Timmy on my heels to help in any way he could.

I was really grateful for that.

Third POV

--- Back up in (Y/N)'s bedroom ---

Jorgen suddenly appeared out of the girl's closet. "Aha! My cake detector just went crazy! And where there is cake, there is a birthday- Huh?" The buff fairy said, positive that this time they had been caught.

But he was taken aback when he found Cosmo, Wanda and Timmy playing checkers. Except Timmy was Juandissimo in disguise.

"No cake here!" Wanda said quickly.
"Just us very sexy godkids." A muscular 'Timmy' said.

"Don't try do distract me with that Latin accent or buff bod. And where is your sister?" Jorden asked, not convinced.
"(Y/N) went to the bathroom to take a shower." Wanda clairified.

The buff fairy poofed away and reappeared outside her bathroom, his ear placed close to the door.
Inside there was water running and music playing. Chip Skylark's song 'My Shiny Teeth and Me' filling up the room.

The others standing in the connecting doorway of the sibling's rooms.

"You can not discract me, Turner Jr.!" Jorgen yelled through the bathroom door. " I know it's your birthday and I can not be fooled!"
He slammed his giant wand down on the ground, poofing away with an 'I'll be back' cloud.

Wanda sighed in relief. "Now that's what I call 'Timmy-impersonating teamwork'!"

Juandissimo takes Poof of his face, who turns back to normal. "Forgive me, but I don't quite get it. Didn't (Y/N) run downstairs earlier, so how can she be in the bathroom taking a shower?"

"Simple. She isn't really in there." Wanda stated, flying over to the door and opening it. The radio playing the CD she had gotten from Chip at the concert on loop. The bathroom was steamy, and a shadow could be spotted behind the shower curtain. Wanda pulled it to the side, revealing a cardboard silhouette of the teen girl.

"See?" Wanda smiled proudly, clever of the idea she came up with.

"Si. By the way, the ninõ needs a diaper change..." Juandissimo commented, holding the baby away from his face and out to its mother.

"One?" The pink-haired fairy questioned. "Dos." The male replied, holding up two fingers.

--- Meanwhile downstairs ---

A delivery guy came walking up to the door, holding a clipboard in one hand and a punch of balloons in the other. "I got some balloons here for the Turner residence?" He said.

Timmy, who had his back turned to the door, spun around. Armed with a punck of straws in his hand, he popped ever single one of the colorful ballons.
"Not the reaction I usually get, but alright." The man commented, but didn't put too much thought in it. "The big bouncy castle is here too."

"Not for long." (Y/N) grinned as she appeared from the doorway.
She ran over to it and jumped on top of it where the plug was. Giving it a twist, it unplugged, letting the air inside it escape.

The amount so much, it send her up in the air for a little bit.

--- Back inside (Y/N)'s bedroom ---

The fairies were hanging around the room, when Jorgen suddenly teleported for underneath (Y/N)'s bed. "Aha!" He shouted in triomph. His eyes glued to the small device in his hands.
"My bounce house detector is of the chart! And where there are bounces houses, there are birthday parties!"

Wanda noticed (Y/N) just outside her bedroom window. Hastily, she poofed up a mariachi band in the corner of the room and disguised Juandissimo and Poof as Timmy.

'Timmy', now wearing a tango outfit, dances over to Jorgen. The buff fairy clearly impressed. "Turner! I didn't know you danced the tango?!"

"Are you gonna talk or dance?" Timmy aka Juandissimo commented, taking hold of Jorgen's hands. The duo now dancing around the room.

"How do you talk without moving your lips? It's kind of creepy..." He commented, before he was dipped by his dancing partner, who held a red rose between his lips.

"Olé!" Jorgen said with enthousiasm.

A Girl and A Teen Singing Sensation (Chip Skylark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now