Chapter 2

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Slade POV

10 perfectly perfected bots stood identical to one another. A row of hyper mobile, killing machines, tweaked to their peak ultamatam of robotic sentience. Never in his years of work, had he ever engineered such beings capable of mass destruction. In a couple years or so, if such progress in the physics field persisted, jobs like Slade Wilson's may not even be needed. Truly, when needing a 'hit' done, specifically dated time and place, there would be no better suit than an all powerful bot, incapable of feeling such sticky emotions related to the job.

Still, these bots, at least for the moment, were merely child's play for Slade. He had better aim, quicker reflexes and a head filled to the brim with diabolical schemes that needed only a grain of rice to tip the favors. Deathstroke, as his work name persisted, was practically an omen of death itself. But, not for the titans. Not yet, anyways. No, he would continue this little game with the titans. At least for the time being. He gripped his fist in a mix of confidence and determination. He would continue his little games with the teen titans until his successor, his apprentice was successfully and rightfully his.

Robin POV

The team hushed, as they all gathered round, watching Slade and his possess from the safety of building ledge. "What do you think he's up to?" Beastboy whispered. "Nothing good. That's for sure." Cyborg wittfully whispered back. They spied an opening in the semi circle. This was supposedly where the titans were supposed to charge in and be captured within the circle of a  robotic wall. Of course, by stopping and viewing the scene from above, Slade's plan failed. "Okay, so Slade expects us to run straight into the semi circley thingy, straight from the front, right?" Beastboy quizzed. "Yes." Raven drawled. "So by coming at him in the opposite direction, from behind Slade, we'll have the advantage of surprise." Robin finished Beatboy's thought with a smirk. "Raven and Cyborg will be best for clearing out as many robots as possible, quickly. So that leaves Starfire, Beastboy and I to land directly behind Slade. After we land behind Slade for the sneak attack, wait till I give the word and Cy and Rae will begin taking on the fight from the front where most of the robots are." The whole team processed and nodded. "Let us kick butt!" Starfire cheered and the remainder of the team beamed. "You heard her guys, Titans Go!"

Starfire flew down carrying Robin down from behind Slade, while Beastboy transformed into a quiet beetle for the least possible chance of detection. As Robin softly landed behind Slade in the shadows, the older man's head twitched, searching for signs of life. Evidently, he hadn't found any as Star and Robin hid within the cloak of darkness.

 Slade turned back to his robots, trying to search for any signs of the Titans being nearby. Robin slowly creeped forward and Beastboy transformed into his regular form. "ARGHAH!" With a swift jab to Slade's back with Robin's pole, the fight was on. "Titans, move in! " Slade quickly turned around to block Robin's advances while Cy and Raven moved forward from the front. 

"Azarath metrion zinthos." "Boo yah!" Starfire blasted her Tamaranean palm beams, and even managed to land one on Slade. "Blast!" Slade held his shoulder in pain for just a split second before sending a flying kick Starfire's way. "Star! Watch out!" Robin cried. "Come 'ere you big bully!" Beast boy transformed into a rhino and began stampeding towards Slade. The first stampede Slade managed to easily avoid, but with a swift punch from Robin, he was unable to avoid being crushed by Beatboy's horns. 

However, all of these attacks only seemed to phase or hurt Slade for a moment, before he was back with just as much energy as before. Jumping off Beastboy's horns, he landed a hard  kick to the un-horned section at the back of Beastboy's rhino head. This caused the boy to transform back into his human self, landing face first into the ground, eating a hand full of sand in the process. "Blegh! Ick! Eurgh! Gross, dude!" He began frantically wiping the sand from his mouth. 

Slade narrowly evaded a swipe of Starfire's laser beam eyes with a dodge. Robin lunged forward and sent a kick, only to have his foot caught and twisted. "Er- agh ow- ah!" Robin twisted out of Slade's tight hold with a flip. This gave room for Starfire to begin blasted her bright green hand blasts towards Slade. "It is time for the giving up, Slade. You are surrounded." Starfire cornered Slade with both hands extended threateningly. Slade looked from side to side, seemingly considering it before letting out a dark chuckle. "Not yet." 

One of the last remaining robots broke free, flying straight for Starfire. "Aie!" As Starfire began to fight with the robots, Slade immediately took the opportunity to begin sparring with Robin. "Your friend sure is cocky, Robin." Slade sent a series of punches towards Robin that he dodged and avoided. "You keep her name out of your dirty mouth, Slade." Suddenly, Slade sent a sweeping kick, knocking Robin's legs out from under neath him. Robin's tool belt coming unbuckled in the fall. But just as Slade smirked, opening his mouth to gloat, Beastboy came back into picture to save the day. 

"Take this, you big dung beetle!" Beastboy had transformed into a huge mutant green dung beetle and threw a pile of dirt and debre, knocking Slade to the ground. "Aow!" Slade let loose the sound of pain, as he grabbed his facial mask in pain. Looking around, Cyborg and Raven were quickly approaching. The last of Slade's robots had been defeated. He was not going to be winning this battle. Even someone as dumb as Slade knew that. So after looking back and forth for a moment, Slade took his last opportunity to run. Sprinting away, Slade grabbed Robin's abandoned tool belt before zip lining away. "I'll get you Titans! You'll see exactly what my robots can do soon enough, Robin!"

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