Chapter 13

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A/N: Oh my gosh! I'm so happy that so many of you have liked and enjoyed this story. Unfortunately I hadn't had the inspiration to write, and I had been putting it off for a while, but I'm back and am going to try updating every other week from now on. Now, back to the story.

    When Wintergreen said he didn't want Dick fainting on the job, he meant it. Immediately after Robin had finished mulling over the last meatball on his plate, Slade was pulling him up by the arm, dragging him to the steel enforced door at the edge of the living room. "Enough niceties, it's time to show you exactly what you're here for." This is it, he's going to send me on some wild assassination plot to kill the president. Being shoved towards the steel enforced door, Slade pressed his hand roughly to a sensor, before the sensor lit up bright green, unlocking the door. Much to Robin's disappointment, the steel enforced door led, not to the outside world, but to a mountainous training facility eerily similar to the one at the Titans Tower. Punching bags, yoga mats, treadmills, exercise bikes, pull-up bars, dumbbells, AI enhanced training scenarios, this gym had it all. And much to Dick's shock and shudder, a hauntingly specific acrobatic section with a gymnastics bar, pole, swinging trapeze, and aerial silks. "First we warm up with some simple stretches, then we move on to hand to hand combat. Once I've deemed you fit, you will have an hour or so of free time to exercise with any of the equipment within the room, before dinner. Understood?" Dick shivered internally at the thought of what 'Slade saw fit' knowing dinner would be hours away. Still, the glare Slade sent his way, told him best not to interject. "Understood, sir ."

    *Wham* A right hook flew narrowly close to Robin's ribs. Dodging and weaving Slade's attacks, sweat trickled into Dick's eyes, his body burning with contempt from the third round of sparring today. So far the score was one to one; an even tie. Still, as Robin's body grew tired and sore, Slade's body seemed to run on endless amounts of steam. *Crack* Dick blenched forward, grabbing his lower torso as he writhed in pain. A strong tightened blow connected to his lower abdomen, causing Dick to step back a few paces. "Come now, Richard. Tiring already? I know we've made our rounds before, but I didn't know you tuckered out this easily. After all, it's only been a couple of hours, and already you're falling behind." Gritting his teeth, Dick stared forward with an iron glare. Suddenly lunging forward, Robin swung rapidly, swift and nimble as a hungry mongoose against the ever mighty viper. Forcing through the ache in his arms and legs, Dick channeled all his anger, his contempt, his spite into every meticulously crafted move. Swing, duck, cover, swing, cover, swing, duck. Slade was quick on his feet too, lunging and pivoting on his feet to keep Dicks rapid succession of punches and kicks at bay. But as Dick stalked forward, Slade was on the retreat. Pulling all his energy into one last punch aimed to Slade's temple, Dick was so focused on this fight he didn't even notice- *Slam* -the sweeping kick headed directly his way. Landing hard on his back, black spots covered Dick's vision. All the breath seemed to leave his body as he stared blankly upward. Leaning down overhead, Slade viewed his miniature downed opponent, before standing back up and clearing his throat. "You need some rest. We'll never get anywhere like this, if you allow your anger to take control of your rhythm." Sitting up abruptly, Dick tried to ignore the dizziness in his head. "I don't need shit. Come on, let's go another round. Best out of five." Slade seemed to contemplate the proposition for a moment, but shook his head. "No. And best watch your language while we're here." Dick snarled, rushing to his feet. "Don't talk to me like I'm just some fucking kid, okay? I don't know what you're planning but I know tha-"

    *Whap* Both men seemed to stare each other down, not one of them saying a word. Dick was shocked, astounded, flabbergasted, stupefied, he was- well he certainly was something. The slight tingling to Dick's bottom was nothing to the pain in his arms and legs, yet for whatever reason, it was the only pain he could think about. "Did you just-" Dick trailed off, not even wanting to contemplate the idea of Slade cuffing him, let alone... "Richard, what you utterly fail to recognize, is that, this little game you think you're playing at, goes belly up the instant I decide I've lost my patience. And you can trust me  when I say, you do not  want me to lose my patience with you, Richard." The reply, as much as it was harsh and bad-tempered, seemed to almost gloss over the spanking that had just occurred. Perhaps mentioning it was almost as awkward for Slade, as it was for Robin. "The next time I have to repeat myself  with you Richard, I can promise you, the corporal lashing  you will receive will most certainly make you regret it." Shutting his mouth, Dick was almost grateful when Slade suddenly let go of his arm, causing him to stagger back a couple paces, creating some space in between the two. "You will have free time until dinner, just as I promised." His masked eye suddenly lifted in an apparent smirk. "See how lenient and graceful your master is." Dick grimaced, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from outwardly frowning. In an instance, the glint in his eye faded and Slade stood stoic as ever. "Still, I expect to hear  you train, and if I feel this free time is being squandered aimlessly, we will go back to sparring, indefinitely."

    Needless to say, Dick did in fact, not  train, but switched on various machines and making occasional clunking noises as he did so. Instead, the time Slade gave him, was used to inspect the enclosure Slade seemed content to throw him in. The walls were reinforced steel, with no easy or clean way of tunneling through. After further inspection, there were hidden cameras set up in each corner of the room, with a slight blind spot in the center of the room. Dick made a mental note to remember that information for later. All of the gym equipment was well worn and weathered with the exception of the gymnastic bars and acrobatic paraphernalia. Meaning Slade either very recently decided to take up circus training, or he bought it specifically for Dick. Personally, he hoped it was the first. 

    By the time Robin's stomach had begun to grumble in complaint, he was making his third or fourth trip across the room, when a 'beep' sound could be heard from the door latch. Quickly sprinting over to the treadmill, Dick cranked up the speed before hopping on, pretending to train. Walking in, Slade stood at the entrance for a moment, causing Robin's heart to flutter in his chest. Had he been watching the cameras to spy on Dick? He was careful not to stay in the cameras sight for very long, but it was possible Slade caught on to Robin's little act from the sudden crank in speed on the treadmill. "Come on." Dick's heart sputtered. "W-What?" "I said, come on. Dinner's ready and I'm not going to have you missing it." Turning off the treadmill, Robin cautiously walked forward, a small sense of relief beginning to wash over him. Was he in the free? Slade shuffled over, making room for Robin to walk past him. He was really getting away with it! His detective skills were finally beginning to pay off. As Dick awkwardly slid his past past Slade, a sudden arm thrust out of the darkness, pinning him in the doorway. Leaning in close, Slade's unwavering mask sent shivers down Dick's arms and legs. In the deadliest whisper, Slade breathed "And if you ever try and trick me again in my own home again, I can promise you, your hind will be significantly warmed for the good side of an hour." And with that, the arm retracted and Robin was sent on his way to dinner. 

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