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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
"Do you guys know each other?" I asked Nina still freaking out.

"WHAT?" she replied with her eyes wide. "No no, how can I know him... I mean I'm always with you so how can I know him besides he is your crush so why would I talk to him?" she stuttered nervously.

Her behavior was a bit suspicious, but I waved it off and didn't think much of it because she is my best friend and I trust her that if there was something I needed to know she would tell me. The same was with me, I tell her everything that happens even though most of the time we are together. It has always been like that between us.

Nina and I met in middle school. A group of girls were bullying me about my hair. Admittedly my haircut at that time was funny, but that was no one's business. Nina happened to be passing by and stood up to them, the next day she got the same haircut so no one would bother to say anything about it. We have been inseparable since then.

'Gosh, here he comes' I thought to myself and prepared myself to face my fear, my fear is talking to my crush for the first time 'urrggghh why didn't I put something on my face other than eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick? I'm so stupid sometimes.'

Aiden got closer and stopped near our table.
"Hey guys! You were in my previous school ya?" He asked. I tried replying but seems like I was tongue-tied. 'Great now he will think I'm dumb'

"Hey Aiden! Yeah, we did. We are surprised you came to this university, though you were going to go abroad?" Nina replied fast. Phew, thank god she did cause otherwise I would be super embarrassed.

"Uh you guys know my name. But I don't know yours, sorry" he muttered rubbing the back of his neck, his ears turned pink.

*sigh* can he get any cuter? "Oh that's not a problem, I'm Nina and this is my best friend Ameera" Nina said back.

"Ameera huh" he said with a thinking face. " I think I heard my classmates talk about a girl named Ameera having a crush on me for over a year or something. Is that you?" He turned to me and asked.

"WHAT?! No way that's not me, I mean there are so many Ameera's in our school, right? It could be one of them you know?" I stuttered.

"Oh really? I heard there was only one Ameera in our school?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

I quickly covered my heating cheeks with my hands, and sighed in defeat "Fine that was me, but it was two years back and I don't have any crush on you anymore" I muttered looking anywhere but him .

"You sure about that sweetheart?" He stepped closer to my chair bent down to my height and asked.

My eyes widened at this and I quickly replied "Of course" in a low voice but I knew he heard me because of the close distance between us.

He stood up straight and asked both of us  "Do you guys mind if I sit here?"

Nina and I looked at each other with wide eyes and quickly replied "No" "No, go ahead" the second was me of course which got him to chuckle.

He sat down next to me and shortly our professor showed up and the time passed away fast. It was now the last period, Arabic. Aiden stuck with us the whole day and I could tell we all were gonna be great friends or let's hope we become.

Chapter 5
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Uh oh looks like Nina is hiding something🙄 what do you guys think she could be hiding 😕
Let me know what you all think of the story so far🤪

 *****Uh oh looks like Nina is hiding something🙄 what do you guys think she could be hiding 😕 Let me know what you all think of the story so far🤪

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