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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
The tension between us was too much. As if Taskeen could feel it she started speaking "uh I think you guys have a lot to talk about so we'll hang out after that. Is that fine with you Ameera or should we cancel it?

I couldn't speak so I just gave her a nod. She looked at her brother and gave him a nod with a look as if saying "Good luck, don't mess it up" and left.

We stood there in silence which felt like forever. "The prank went too far huh" I started. He chuckled lowly and gave a nod.

"I meant it" Ahmed glanced at me and looked away.

"Meant what?" Not understanding what or where this was going.

He turned to face me "I meant it when I said I love you" he looked so serious when he spoke.

I giggled and said, "Of course, you do silly you're my best friend-"

"More than a friend should Mir" this stunned me again. I kept looking down not having any courage to look at his expression. It would be too much for my poor heart to take.

I muttered an "okay" in low voice.

"I confessed to you and all your saying is an 'okay'?" He asked in a baffled tone.

I looked at masjid not wanting him to look at my tear-eyed face. "Well, what do you want me to say? You love me and you know we can't be together in a haram way which means we will have to stop being friends too-"

"Wait what? Stop being friends? Haram way? What are you saying?" His face held confused expressions.

"Yeah" he looked at my face and saw my tears.

"Why are you crying? Do you not feel the same for me?" He asked in a heartbroken voice.

Ya Rabbi! What should I do with him? How can I not love him back? He is too good to be true.

"I do bu-" I faced him to explain but he cut me off.

"Then what's the problem princess? I don't understand why you're crying. Please make me understand cause it's hurting me to see you this way"

"I want us to be together" this brought a smile to his face as well as a cute blush. "But in a halal way" he looked confused.

"Yeah, obviously it's going to be in halal way Ameera" now it was my turn to look at him Confused.

"But how? Marriage?" He nods. "Aren't we too young for that?" I asked in a small voice.

"We are but in Islam it's good to marry young" he exclaimed calmly. For a situation like this, he seemed pretty calm and prepared.

"I know that. But it's not that"

"Then what is it?" He asked looking very concerned.

"How will we manage everything else?" I asked quietly.

"Do you trust Allah SWT?" He asked me.

"Without a doubt"I answered.

"Do you trust me?" He asked again.

"Yes" I nod.

"Then don't think about anything else and as for halal way, well I was planning to ask your parents for your hand soon anyways" he revealed.

I gasped and gaped at him. "You were going to what?! Ask them then what? When were you going to let me know about it?"

He rubbed behind his head. A nervous habit of his. "I didn't have enough courage to confess to you so I thought I would ask your parents and that way you will get to know anyways".

I looked at him my jaw hanging. " you are unbelievable" and started walking away from him.

"Ameera wait. Please let me explain" he tried catching up with me as I speed walked.

"I don't wanna hear anything Ahmad. How can you think it's okay to ask my parents for my hand and not ask me by yourself? This is just-" I was blabbering and didn't notice when Ahmad stood before me which made me stop abruptly.

"Let me explain. Please" he pleaded.

"Okay, fine explain. You have 10 minutes to explain then I'm gonna walk away"

"10 minutes? Bruh what? how can I explain everything in 10 minutes?"

"Not my problem. 9 minutes" I said looking away.

"Okay okay. When we met I had no idea I would fall for you. Actually I did but I thought I could ignore my feelings and not spoil our friendship. As the days went by, we grew closer and became best friends. At that time I knew that my feelings were changing for you like you know more than a friend. I tried avoiding it but nothing worked. Then I thought why push away? So I did Istikhara-"

"You did Istikhara?" I asked baffled. He nods. "But why?"

"I was gonna explain that before you interrupted me"

"Fine. Sorry. Please continue"

"So Istikhara came positive. I basically asked Allah SWT to guide me if you're the one for me or not" I nodded and gestured for him to keep going.

"Then I told Taskeen about it and my mum knows too" he looked at me sheepishly.

"You told your mum about me?"

"Um yeah. Just told her about how we met and how our friendship grew. She somehow could see what I felt for you and asked me work on it in a halal way. I told her I would ask your parents first and then talk to you" he was nervous I could tell. I started feeling guilty for being so stupid and not letting him explain.

"Fine. You're forgiven." I say with my chin up.

"Forgiven? But I didn't apologize" he asked looking amused.

"Shush don't ruin it. Don't you know, the key to keeping your happy is when you let her win the argument" I said with a raised eyebrow.

He looked so amused with my behavior and started nodding "Your right. I should apologize because you're not going to and being the bigger person I am, I'll apologize" he exclaimed mischievously.

"Bigger person huh?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yup" stressing on 'p'.

"Alright old man" I grinned and ran away.

"I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS" he screamed. I opened my car and frantically waved my hands to Taskeen to get in. We got in and I looked at Ahmad waving bye with a big smile. I saw him pout.

"What did you do to my poor bro?"

"Oh you have no idea" I grinned.

Chapter 27
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Assalamu Alaikum my beautiful readers!
Only a few more chapters and the story will be finally done!
Also, we have reached 800 reads I'm so happy, yay!

*******Assalamu Alaikum my beautiful readers! Only a few more chapters and the story will be finally done! Also, we have reached 800 reads I'm so happy, yay!

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