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‎بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Ameera's POV-
Admittedly I, Nina, and Aiden were all getting closer but Nina and Aiden were getting closer more. I didn't know what to think about it, to be honest. I did ask Nina if she liked Aiden, but she refused. Aiden's response was the same.

Ahmed and I were getting close too. Our assignment was almost over and today we were going to analyze the assignment and be done with it.

I was waiting in the café for Ahmed when the bell of the café chimed. I turned and there he was, with a grey hoodie and grey sweatpants. One word to describe him? Handsome. I turned back quickly before he catches me checking him out.

"Hey sorry I got a bit held back because of my sister, had to drop her at her friend's house." he said embarrassed.

"Haha. That's ok, well at least you didn't ditch me." I said in an amused voice.

"By the way, did you bring Nina and Aiden along with you?" He asked.

I looked at him confused and replied "No, she had some assignment to do and Aiden went with his friends to hang out. That's why I said at least you didn't ditch me"

"Oh ok" "I thought I saw them together in the park on my way coming here" he murmured lowly, but I heard him and asked him to repeat. "No no, maybe I confused them with someone else but I could have sworn I saw them wear those clothes before".

I remained quiet and thought I'll ask Nina again later. "Ya, maybe you got it wrong. Anyways let's get this over with"

"Yeah" he replied.

After an hour we were finally done with the assignment. We decided to go on a walk cause there was a beach nearby. we went there in his car because I came to the café walking as it was within walking distance for me, we reached there in 15 minutes.

"Wow it's a beautiful sunset today" I exclaimed.

"Subhan Allah, I agree" Ahmed replied.

"So tell me a bit about yourself" I asked him.

"There is not much to say, I like the color blue, navy blue to be exact. Then, I've got lovely parents who support me in my every decision and have a little sister, my best friend. Sometimes I think about what I would do without her you know like she is my greatest supporter even before my parents. She is 16, can be hard to handle her sometimes but then again I wouldn't have it any other way. I love all of them. Alhamdulillah for being blessed with such family" he said with an adoring look on his face. "I want to be a good role model for my sister, I see the way she looks up to me. For being a good role model I'll have to be a good Muslim first. I'm not perfect but then again nobody is except Him(SWT) but I'm going to try my best, In Shaa Allah I will succeed. Anyways enough about me. Tell me about yourself" he asked me.

"Wow that's quite a lot you got to say and In Shaa Allah you will become a good role model" I said. He looked surprised at me so I asked "what's with the look?"

"It's been a couple of weeks since we met and this is the first time I see hear you say In Shaa Allah " he said.

"Yeah, I used to be very religious before during school days" I said with a distanced look in my eyes. "Anyways that's a story for another time. Well as for you wanting to know about me, there isn't much. I have amazing parents, my big supporters. I'm an only child so I don't really know what's it like to have a sibling but the way you spoke about your sister, I'm sure it's an amazing feeling. Oh, and I like the color black. Yup that's all" I said chuckling which got him to chuckle too. For the first time, I noticed his dimples and damn did they look good on him!

We left the beach as it was maghrib time and Ahmed didn't want to miss his prayer. While leaving I noticed this couple hugging each other in parking near a car that looked too familiar. I stopped and looked hard at the couple and noticed it was Nina and Aiden. 'What are they doing here? I thought Nina said she had an assignment to do and Aiden wanted to hang out with his friends, then what's this?!' I thought to myself 'Should I confront them?' 'No no, I will go to her house tomorrow and ask, ya that's better'.

I was hurt by seeing them together but not because I had a crush on Aiden before. But because I trusted both of them to tell me and not hide anything like this from me. I certainly didn't expect this from Nina cause she knows my past. She knew how and why I had trust issues. I thought she understood me and wouldn't do the same but guess not. 'Maybe just maybe it's not how it looks like' I thought to myself 'I'll ask her to explain herself tomorrow'

I don't know if Ahmed saw them or chose to ignore them cause I have noticed he doesn't like putting his nose in others' business. That's one of the things I liked about him. 'Tomorrow's gonna be a big mess' i thought to myself as I went to sleep....

Chapter 7
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