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"C'mon Dylan." Skylar held my hand as I sat on the floor. "It will be ok."

"No it won't." I frowned, looking up at her. "I hate this! I hate it so much!"

"Hate what?" She sat across from me.

"I hate-I hate life. I hate being an actor, I hate love. I hate having girlfriend after girlfriend when afterwards they just go and make up some lie about you. Even after years!" I cried.

"Dylan. Calm down. Its-"

"I can't calm down! Sky this is my life!"

"It's mine too"

I looked at her, I felt so helpless and it was awful. "I'm sorry, I'm-"

"Stop apologizing Dylan. You just need to calm down for a second, okay?"



I didn't know what else to say to the boy. I haven't really ever seen him like this before. We clutched onto each others hands and didn't plan on letting go anytime soon.

"Sky" Dylan spoke. I looked up at him as our eyes met. It was just us. alone. Staring at each other like there was no tomorrow. Memorizing the color and shape of each other's eyes. Ignore how weird or strange that sounded..

"Yeah Dyl?" I spoke softly, a barley audible low whisper. He paused before he did or said anything. His eyes studying my face and expressions. Him reading my eyes almost like a book. His eyes scanning down to my lips, and then back to my facial expression.

It wasn't long before we crashed our lips into one another's. The same feeling coming back that came every time we did it in public. Except this time it was real. I cupped my hands to his face and his hands rested on my waist as we moved in sync. We both pulled away a few moments later. Slowly recapping what had just happened. I opened my eyes and saw Dylan staring back at me.

"Did you feel that?" He whispered.

I swallowed. He felt it too. I presume that he felt the same way as I. Happy, fireworks, joy, butterflies. It was all there.

Yes Dylan. I felt it. But, remember. We can't fall in love. We can't like each other. I can't show you that I really really like you. That I'm somehow falling for you. I just can't.

"I-I need to go." I frowned, starting to get up. He grabbed my hand and stood up with me, shaking his head.

"Please don't go. I'm so sorry Skylar."

"Dylan I have to go." I stated, grabbing my phone starting to leave. But, he yet again clutched my hand and turned me around.


"Dylan! I can't do this!" I yelled. "We can't, we cant fall for each other. Do you remember what Liz said?"

"Screw Liz."

"Dylan. I can't loose this job and you can't loose your carrier! You know that. I will do the best I can to fix all of this chaos and be the best co-worker I can possibly be. But that's all we will be. Co-workers. I'm sorry." I started to cry. The tears just began to stream down my face.

"Please don't cry." he pleaded, pulling me into one of his famous huge hugs. I knew that I should pull away, that I should just push him off and walk away. But I didn't. We both needed a hug. Really bad actually. And also, he gives the best hugs.

As he pulled away from my small body he looked into my eyes. "I'm really sorry Skylar. I wasn't thinking and I didn't know-"

"It's okay. I guess I overreacted a little."

"No. No you didn't. I completely understand. I was just being stupid. Caught up in the moment I guess."

I shrugged. "yeah, so was I, I guess."

"Are you mad?" He frowned, dropping his hands down to his sides.

I shook my head "No. I'm not."

He looked relieved and nodded.

" I still have to go." I smiled. "But I will see you tomorrow Dylan."

"Bye Sky!" He smiled back, waving. I nodded and started to head out the door, but before I did I said one last thing.

"And, to answer your question Yes. I did feel it."

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Where stories live. Discover now