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Britt's funeral was a week ago. A long, distasteful, tiring, week ago. I could tell Dylan had regretted not going, but he would never admit a thing.

I wanted to take him to see her grave. He needed closure and to say goodbye to her before he could move on. I would know from past experiences.

"Dylan." I frowned at him. He sat looking carefully at his coffee mug before his eyes met mine.


"I want to take you somewhere." I started.


I grabbed the keys and smiled at him slightly. "You are depressed Dylan. You didn't go to Britt's funeral and you regret it."

"I regret nothing." He calmly stated.

"That is a lie and we are at least going to her grave to set flowers down."


I ran my fingers through my hair and signed. "Please.."

He looked up at me and tilted his head to the side a bit like a lost puppy. "Why do you care?"

I squinted my eyes at him and gave him the 'is this some time of joke.' look. "Dylan? Are you really asking me why I care? I care about you! I love you. And I'm not just saying it for the heck of it. You're depressed and sad and I hate to see you like this. I want you to go."

"And what am I suppose to do?"

"Put flowers at her grave and say a few things."

"And what do I say?" He asked.


We were in the car, I had convinced him to go. To at least see her grave. I know that sounds a bit morbid but, I know he wanted to do this deep down as well.

Well, heck. This whole thing is a bit morbid

"Were here." I spoke softly, glancing at him slightly. In response he looked at me and nodded, climbing out of the car and towards the cemetery.

I sighed softly and climbed out the car as well, taking Dylan's hand and leading him to her tombstone.

I looked up at him and handed him the white flowers. "Here" I mumbled, as he took them and set them down carefully.

"Goodbye." he spoke, voice cracking a bit. Beginning to turn around. I grabbed his arm and forced him to stay.

"You're not going to say anything else?"

"You never said I had to say anything else."

I frowned. Crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows. Giving him the 'are you serious' look. He rolled his eyes and stood in his original spot. About to speak.

"Britt." he started. "I've known you for awhile now. I remember meeting you on set a few years back, thinking that you would be a great person to work with, and a great friend. Unfortunately, you did some not okay things to Skylar and I. And I'm not sure how, but Skylar here found it in her heart to forgive you. Even before I had, she forgave you. She cared. And I hope you were forgiven Britt. And I hope that I wasn't the cause of your death. Other than that, Goodbye. And I will miss you."

I looked at him with satisfaction. "You're good now?"

He smiled at me sheepishly. "I'm good now. Thank you. Thank you much for being an amazing person and thank you so much for caring. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled. And he gripped my hand tightly before we slowly made our way back to the car.

This was just another bump in the road. And yet, it only happened to make us stronger.

False Love (Dylan O'Brien)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon