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love has




it is the

reason we stay

but sometimes

it is

the reason

we leave. 

Thank you so much for you reaching this far! It is so good for me to have been able to complete and finished one book in wattpad :))) I hoped this book encouraged you and motivated you in your single season :D Always remember, you are unique, worthy to be loved and cared for  You better reserve yourself to the right one. :))) I love you. 

 i decided to end this poem collection "Single" and move on to my other works, "Heart Breaks" and "Criminal's friend". I will really appreciate if you could check them out. I hope you could leave some feedback too. I love y'all. ! 

ps. to the others who might be wondering where are my tagalog poem collections... those who have witnessed me juggling to this and to other books i had published and unpublished again, you will definitely see them again, the poem and other prose collections i have made, they just need to be re-read, edited again :))) and if I am confident with them i will surely publish them again :D

SingleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora