Heart Breaks' Piece

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"Sunked B🚯at"

we had sailed our way
towards the unknown
as if our boat is ready
To face the ocean's mystery

during our journey
we had seen how the sun sets
our eyes reflected how it hid behind the water's edge

we took advantage
of its fading light
kiss each other
until the the end of sunlight

but i guess we lose~
when without warning,
storms came destroying
turning your kiss to tears
turning your love to fear
and it ended~
by leaving me here

Ps. Gooddd dayyyyy amazing peopleeee! This is a piece from my new published work entitled 'Heart Breaks' 💕 Others have checked it out already, you might also want to read them, check out my profile and open it there! THANK YOUUUUUUU! 💯

About this 'single', I will still continue to edit it. Put all my heart's content in each piece! But if my mind is bombarded with ideas again, you would still be reading new parts of this work hehe.

And to the readers who have been supporting this ever since, i would like to inform you that I have reordered parts of this work especially those recent ones. I put them at the first parts, i hope you understand. It is just i observed readers do not come to read til' the end , and i feel like the recent ones deserve to be noticed too~ if you haven't read those parts , it would mean a lot if you'll scroll through the table of contents. Thank you very much! 💯

Lastly, enjoy reading! And make out the best of your time during this pandemic! Stay single! Lol! :-D


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