train station

4 0 0

warnings: starving self, munipulation, robery

words: 534

time it took to write: 31 min

edited: nope

charachters: tommy, dream

ship: none

Pacing back and forth in a mostly empty room for hours on end, only stopping once my legs were begging for rest and about to collapse. Thats all i did for days, weeks, even months. No one tried to talk to me, none of my friends, none of my family, no one. It made me feel useless, like no one needs me, and if no one needs me, why should i live? A nock rang through my room, i turn to my door, taking steps towards it, i then open the door. A person stands. A person wearing a green hoodie and jeans, with armor, they had blond hair hidden behind their hood, and they were holding an axe in one of their gloved hands, the most distinct feature about this person had to be the mask they wore, it was pure white with a smile painter perfectly onto it. I knew why this person was here. About earlier, when i said that no one visited me, that wasnt entirely the truth, one person visited me. Well, i wouldnt call it a visit though, just... i dont know what to call it, i just know its not a visit.

"Good afternoon, tommy. Do you have anything for me?"

He almost spoke calmly, almost. His voice was laved with evil and toxins, something that still stikes fear into me, even after this much time. I knew exactly what he was asking for.

"I havent left this room since last time you were here, theres no way i could hace gotten any weapons or armor."

The masked man seemed annoyed by these words, he probably thought i was lying, which i wasnt.

"You know what happens when you lie to me, tommy."

I look at the floor as his words cause me to remember things i wish i could forget.

"Dream, i swear, i, not lying."

No emotion filled my voice when i spoke, im tired, hungry, dehydrated, depressed, and bored, by whould i have emotion?

"Okay then"

Dream walked farther into my room after pushing me out of the way, he walks over to my desk. He began to take things from my desk then putting them into his bag, mostly what he took were drawings, art supplies, books, and pictures. I cared more for the pictures since they were for the most part, me and my friends, or me and my family. Dream then reached for something, something actually important.

"Dream, please dont take that,, tubbo gave it to me."

He looked at the item.

"Aww... 'your tubbo' thats cute."

I rushed over, trying to grab the item out off dream's grasp. It did not work, i was weak from starving myself.

"Oh tommy. You think you can get this from me? Oh your very very wrong."

I was pushed away, quite violently. I shook my head as a tear rolled down my face, a tear because i know i wont get it back.

"I know i cant."

"Good! See you soon tommy."

With that, he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I fall to my knees as i hear the click of the door close.

My compass. Fuck

My breathing picked up as i cry more and more.

Just another typical day. 

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