Chapter 22

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The doorbell rings and I run to the door.

I sent Egan downstairs to grab Ledger, but haven't explained to anyone what's currently happening inside my brain.

Ledger and Egan appear in the doorway and I see Ledger's head whip to the door. I knew it.

"Keels!" I squeal.

"Please tell me what's going on before I pass out," she remarks while entering the house.

"Meet Ledger," I say while stepping aside so they can see each other.

"Mine," I hear Ledger whisper.

"W-what?" Keelie looks from him to me then back to him.

"I found your mate. You're welcome," I smile.

Egan texts something on his phone and then stares at me in wonder.

"I'm Keelie," she introduces while striding over to him. Ledger is staring at her like he just won the lottery. They hug and I hear Keelie gasp.

I watch her in awe. She's so excited. Her parents will be so happy for her.

Egan is in front of me in an instant and lifts my chin up with his hand so I have to look at him.

"How did you know that?" he asks.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" Ledger pipes in.

"I felt it when I looked you," I shrug.

"This is awesome," Keelie squeals. Ledger beams at her, but Egan can't take his eyes off of me.

"I'm super happy for you Keels. We can all plan a double date soon, but I'm going to bed," I yawn as I feel the exhaustion run through me.

"Night Kayde," she waves as I walk past them and head upstairs.

I go into Egan's room and grab my pajamas, but before I can walk into the bathroom, Egan appears in front of the doorway blocking the entrance.

I look up at him and sigh, he's not going to let this go. I turn around and sit down on his bed. He follows me and sits down next to me.

"I'm really tired," I hint.

"Must be from using your magic powers," he suggests. I laugh at that.

"Stop," I laugh.

"Never," he replies while grabbing me onto his lap and taking my face in his hands.

"It's hard to explain E, it was just a feeling. It was like when I looked at him, I could see his and Keelie's life together. I could feel their happiness," I try to describe.

"What else?" he asks in amazement.

"Alivia. Where is she?" I ask.

"Rhett and her started their journey North," he replies.

"I think Kai is going to come here," I worry.

"He can't. If he did, he would be invading our territory," Egan shrugs.

"What if he did?" I push.

"If he did, he would be going against Pierson," he goes on. "So, he would have to back down or become a rouge," he shrugs.

"If he became a rouge then he could come here," I comment.

"He could try and follow her scent, but he wouldn't be able to for long," he explains.

"Why is that?" I push.

"I'm sorry Kayde, but I told Pierson I wouldn't discuss the escape route with you," he gently tells me while kissing my nose.

I pull away from him but in a quick movement he pulls me back to him and securely holds me on his lap.

"That's not fair Egan. You and Pierson want me to open up, meanwhile you two have decided what you can share with me," I protest while pushing his arms off of me.

"Don't be mad," he begs while holding me tighter against him.

"What else can't we talk about?" I push.

"Kayde it's not like that. I know you understand why this topic is not up for discussion," he argues.

I push out of his grasp and walk towards the bathroom. Before I can make it through the doorway, Egan pushes me up against the closet door and puts his hand on either side of my head.

"Why do you want to know about the route," he urges.

"I want to know everything about what you and my dad worked on," I explain. He nods in understanding.

"I will tell you anything you want to know, but not now," he replies.

"Okay. I'd like to go to bed," I respond.

He pushes off the closet and backs away so I can go into the bathroom. I briefly wonder if Keelie and Ledger have made it to a three yet. 


Keelie has a mate!

Much Love,


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