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988 A.D

"I'm gonna get you" Malena said playfully as she chased a 4 year old Rebekah, a 5 year old Kol and Lilliana. "Run, little ones."

Malena chased her children around their home. Jardani; her husband was with their other children teaching them how to hunt as they kept begging their father to take them.

Rebekah, Kol and Lilliana were running as fast as their little feet could take them until Rebekah bumps into someone. "My apologies, Rebekah" a fake gentle voice spoke.

"Mikael" Malena said as she saw her children stop in front of the blonde man. "What are you doing here?"

Mikael smiles at Malena, "Just wanted to see how you are doing since you just gave birth yesterday."

Malena looked down at her flat belly, she gave birth to her little boy when she was 7 months. He was quite a scare because being an angel meant she could give birth early. "I'm doing well, thank you. How are you and Esther?"

"We are doing well. Where is Jardani and the rest of the children?"

"Hunting at the moment."

"Well, I'll wait with you until he returns. A woman in your condition shouldn't be home all alone since you just gave birth."

"I'm not alone. I have my children" Malena looks at Rebekah, Kol and Lilliana who smile at their mother. "Thank you for the offer but it's alright."

"Malena" Jardani's voice came from behind Mikael making the woman see her husband with their 5 eldest children.

"My love" Malena smiles at her husband.

Jardani looks at Mikael, "Mikael, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Just wanted to keep your wife company."

"Well, thank you, my friend."

Mikael fake smiles at Jardani before looking at Malena, "Have a good day, Malena."


Later that day, Malena and Jardani were in their bed talking after they put they put their children to sleep. "I'm telling you, Mal. I don't want Mikael alone with you."

"If I recall, you called him your friend earlier."

"Did you really think I meant that?"

"No. But I did find it funny that he believed it, I can tell that he did."

"Well, we're not" Jardani said before getting into bed with his wife. "Just don't be alone with him anymore."

Malena kisses her husband's cheek, "I won't, my love."

Before they could go to sleep, they heard their son Henrik crying. They both rushed to his room in a hurry to see Esther standing there, holding him.

"Esther, put my son down" Jardani said in a stern voice.

"He's so beautiful" Esther said calmly as she looked at the baby. "You have so many beautiful children."

"Thank you. But please, put my son down" Jardani told her again making Esther look at him.

"It's not fair that you have so many and I have none."

"I'm sorry that you can't have children. But that doesn't mean that you can come into our home and grab one of ours" Jardani told Esther calmly since he's afraid that she might do something to his son. "Malena, go check on the other children."

Malena walked out of the baby's room slowly before rushing to their rooms to see that Freya, Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, and Rebekah are gone. She looks around until she heard screams outside, she made her way out to see Jacob and Lilliana being put inside coffins by a coven of witches. "NOOO!"

Malena runs towards them, "MOTUS!" Malena sends 8 of the witches into a tree. She runs to one of the coffins and opens it to see Jacob turned into stone. Before Malena could react, someone grabs her from behind holding a blade to her throat.

"MALENA!!" Jardani yells for his wife when he comes out of their home with a blade in his heart. Mikael and Esther follow him out with Henrik still in Esther's arms.

Malena saw red and grabbed the persons arm from behind her twisting it and plunged her hand into their chest taking their heart out. Mikael and Esther saw Malena's eyes flashed red, "Jacob and Lilliana aren't dead. They will stay like that until they reach their limit to age but they will still be stone" Esther said to Malena.

"We had to take the others because we can pass them off as ours" Mikael said as he took the blade out of Jardani. Malena noticed that her husband wasn't healing, "Wolfsbane and witchhazel are really helpful."

Malena goes to attack them when the 8 witches give her an aneurysm making her yell and clutch her head in pain. Malena tries to fight off the pain when she feels herself being stuck slowly.

Jardani sees that his wife is slowly turning into stone, "MALENA!! I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!" Jardani yells as he tries to get up.

Mikael chuckles at him, "Your going to be wishing that you did." Mikael breaks Jardani's neck as Malena fully turns into stone. Esther and Mikael both thought it was over.

If only they knew........

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