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"Welcome, guests."


"If this dinner ends badly, I will take full responsibility," Malena said to her family as she did the finishing touches while setting the dinner table.

The Morningstar family stood around the table, watching Malena nervously fixing the table.

"Mum, I think it will be fine," Lilliana says to reassure her.

"It better be. With all the explanations that I had to do, this better end good," Lucifer said, taking a piece of cherry off a pastry.

Malena smacks his hand, "Wait until dinner."

"Ow! Was that..."

The sound of the doorbell interrupted Lucifer, making the Morningstars look toward the door.

Malena smiles at the sound of the doorbell, "Alright. Smiles everyone, and they don't have to be meaningful smiles." She knew that her family could plaster a fake smile, even for the people they loathe.

"I'll get the door," Elijah said as he walked in the direction of the door.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"Can I have a drink now?" Klaus asks his mother.

"Thank you for coming," Elijah said as he opened the door and saw the 'Scooby-Gang' outside.

"Like we had a choice," Stefan said as he and Damon walked inside with Elena in between them. 

Bonnie discreetly looks at Elijah and gives him a nod as she walks inside beside Caroline, with the rest of the group following.

"Well, I'm glad that you chose to attend and so is my mother."

Elijah closes the door and extends his hand gesturing to follow him, "This way."

Everyone follows the original, hoping for the best and that they didn't make a mistake to come. They walk into the dining room and see the family standing by their chairs except for Klaus who is sitting in his chair with a glass of wine in hand.

Malena walks up to the friend group with a smile on her face, "Welcome. I'm so glad that you accepted my invitation."

"Sadly, our first encounter couldn't have been this way," Damon said as he looked at the mother. 

"I admit that I didn't give you a good first impression of me, and I apologize." Malena sticks her hand out of Damon, "Malena Morningstar."

Damon gently took her hand, "Damon Salvatore."

Malena looked at Stefan and he also took her hand, "Stefan Salvatore."

"And you must be Elena," Malena looks at the young girl who is between the brothers.

"Yes. It is nice to finally meet you," Elena said to her flashing a small smile.

Malena gestures to the dinner table, "Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss."

Everyone took their seats, with the Morningstars on one side and the Scooby-Gang on the other. Jardani and Malena were sitting side by side with their hands holding under the table for comfort and support.

"Wine or blood?" Jardani asked them gesturing between the two waiters.

"Look, we came because you wanted to talk so talk," Stefan said to them as he was getting impatient.

"Careful, you're in her house, so treat her with respect," Klaus said to his former friend as he poured himself a drink.

"It's alright, Nik. I understand his feelings," Malena said to her son.

"Like you guys have feelings," Tyler muttered making Malena look at him.

"Lockwood correct?"


"I've met some of your ancestors before all this. We were good friends."

"Things change."

Malena smiles at him, "Clearly. Your ancestors were more open-minded."

"What is that you want?" Elena asks.

Malena looks at the doppelganger, "Right, I keep getting off topic." Malena takes a sip of her drink before speaking, "I want a truce."

"Truce? After everything?"

"Yes. Because to be fair, both sides have to take responsibility for their actions."

"Us? We were trying to stay alive," Stefan tells her.

"As were our children," Jardani responds. "Think about it, neither of us wants to leave this town. Me and my wife made a home here for our family before they were taken from us. And your families made a home here for you all, so why should either of us have to leave."

 "He makes a good point," Caroline said. "Both families have been here since the beginning."

"Thank you, love," Klaus says to the blonde vampire.

"Shut it."

"Our point is that, if we want to stop bloodshed from both sides, there should be a truce. We stay away from you all and you stay away from us. My daughter and her family want to stay here, this is where their family belongs," Lucifer said.

"Klaus killed some of our friends, he killed our aunt and my sister," Jeremy said to Lucifer.

"Your sister is still alive, young man."

"But our aunt isn't."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that."

Everyone looks at Lucifer, the Morningstars look with small smiles, and the Scooby-Gang looks with confusion. 

"What?" Elena asks.

Malena smiles, "Consider this as an apology, Elena. Come on in, my dear."

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