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a/n :

grab your tissues.

alina dormer
#.    023

𝗠𝗬 𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗦 stung from the room, that was dimly lit, as the curtains had not yet been swooped apart. I blinked, to try and escape the dryness, but my eyes felt like they had been created with sawdust. The raging dehydration and my dry throat was too hard to ignore now and I finally raised in the bed. My head instantly started to throb as I reached towards my phone and lifted it to see my lock screen filled with notifications. I ignored all of them though and looked at the time, groaning even harder as I saw that it was almost three in the afternoon.

I dropped my head into my hands and scrubbed my face, trying to piece together my night, that I couldn't remember at all. I knew I'd gone to the club but that was it really. God, how drunk did I get? I usually never remembered what I did after drinking but my headache was way worse than usual so I was little more curious to my evening.

I pulled the sheets back, cringing at the coldness. I made eyes with a pink dress on the floor, noting that it was the one I wore last night. Looking at it shrivelled up on the floor, made me question how I even got a boob to fit in it. I slugged to my feet and went straight to Tyler's drawers where I pulled on a pair of his sweatpants. I managed to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and grimaced at my baggy eyes with mascara smears and my stunning outfit combination of Tyler's shirt and pants.

I could hear the shower running and walked towards the bathroom. Pushing on the door, I called out to who I was hoping, was Ty'.

"Ty'?" I spoke into the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I heard him call back to me where I now fully stepped inside.

"My head hurts so bad." I groaned as I trodded inside and went straight to the sink to wash my face.

"There's some Advil on my desk. I only got up about ten minutes ago." His voice still sounded asleep and he also sounded like a train wreck, like me. "Do you remember anything?"

"No, nothing." I shook my head as I used a cloth and some face soap to scrub at my skin. It wouldn't work as well as my makeup remover, but it would do. "I've missed all my classes today. Fuck, my Mom's going to kill me." I already began to regret last night massively, it was never my plan to get that drunk. I only wanted a fun night out, not one where I wouldn't even be able to remember it.

"Just chill here for the rest of the day." He told me. "I'm not doing anything. We can go get some early dinner."

"I wish." I sighed as I dipped the cloth into the warm water. "I need to at least catch up on my homework if I'm not going to go to class." I brushed the cloth over my eye.

"Alright. Make sure you take that Advil before you go." He said just as I finished swishing water around my mouth, I'd brush my teeth once I got back to the room.

"I will. I love you." I spoke as I poked my head into the shower.

"Yeah, love you too." He looked over at me and kissed me.

I smiled and pulled away before leaving the bathroom and went straight to his desk. I placed two of the pills into my mouth and swallowed them down with a half empty glass of water, that was already sitting on the desk. I picked up my dress and my heels while collecting my bag from the chair. I felt my phone buzzing non-stop and it was beginning to get on my nerves. I pressed the silent button as I really wasn't in the mood to answer. I was exhausted and I felt like I was going to throw up any second.

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