12. Punishment or Praise

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Tasha woke, sunlight beaming down upon her, with Newt holding her hand and Chuck sitting beside her. He was startled when he saw her moving, but simply shrugged at her questioning glance and went back to absentmindedly fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Tasha groaned and stretched as much as she could, mindful not to jostle her sleeping boyfriend.

"Doors are gonna open soon." Chuck mumbled quietly. Tasha nodded, squinting in the morning light, wondering when exactly she had woken up, but not entirely sure, her watch absent from her wrist. "They are gonna come back." Chuck drew her from her sleep-fogged haze, his voice devoid of hope which broke Tasha's heart. There was a soft sigh beside Tasha and she turned to see Newt blinking in the light, his grip tightening on her hand.

"Chuck..." He wasn't certain of how to continue, too many words unspoken, hanging in the air. There was the rumble of stone doors, jolting them from the suspended animation that they found themselves in. Chuck jumped with a start, waiting expectantly by the entrance to the maze, ignoring Newt's pitying look.

"Guys, get up." Chuck said, a renewed enthusiasm in his words as the doors slowly grinded open. The hopeful expression on his face was enough to make Tasha pull herself and Newt to his feet, if only to humour the kid beside them. There was a small gathering of hopefuls by the doors who had made their way over to the stone entrance, Zart and Frypan among them, more for Chuck's sake than anyone else's as he had never lost anyone like this, and they knew what it was like. Perhaps it was the fact that they had to be hopeful, that with Minho being the best of the best, hehad to survive. But the doors opened as they did every morning, and no-one was at the other end.

"I told you, Chuck, they're not coming back." Newt told him quietly, his expression trained on the kid to make sure he understood, carefully neutral despite the sadness in his voice. Chuck seemed confused, but most of the other gladers turned and began heading back to the homestead, brief moment of hope gone, now coming back to their post-death haze of confusion and being disheartened. Chuck looked around, almost as if he was trying to will them back to him, to believe. Tasha simply turned, still holding Newt's hand, and began to follow him. Zart was the last to turn, almost as if he was stuck, watching the other end of the maze.

"Hey..." Zart's voice, full of disbelief, pulled the others from their stupor. "No way!" A grin wide enough to split his face plastered from ear to ear. Chuck's face lit up and the gathered Gladers turned. There's limping from the Maze, dirty, bloody and looking as though they were about to drop dead, Minho, Alby and Thomas.

"Yeah!" Chuck's voice rang throughout the Glade as he moved to allow them to pass, continuing his whooping as they partially collapsed, resting for what must have been the first time since the doors closed. Chuck pumping his fist into the air and Tasha had to give the kid credit, he certainly never gave up hope.

"Hey, what's up?" Newt dropped Tasha's hand racing over to their now unconcious leader as they lay Alby on the ground in front of them. Jeff quickly bent to inspect him, his face distraught at the state of their leader. There was blood on Alby's temple and he looked like he was - Tasha's breathing almost stopped completely. Alby looked like he had been stung, covered in sweat, faint muscle spasms making him twitch where he lay. The Med-Jack seemed at a loss for words, looking to Clint for help. Their silent conversation was looked over by most, apart from Tasha, who was having trouble breathing, mind invaded by shadowy figures chasing her down darkened, stone corridors.

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