18. Guys or Dolls

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Everything was warm and comfortable when Tasha woke the next morning, something, or rather, someone pressed against her back. Newt had his arm draped over her, his fingers brushing her stomach and his breathing slow and rhythmic. There's light through the thatching of the roof, not enough for the majority of the Glade to be woken by it, but light enough to start the day for the Runners. She doesn't want to move from her warm little reprieve, but she thought it best if she at least asked Minho if he wanted her running that day. She didn't bother waking Newt, just shimmied quietly from the bed and padded through the Glade in her pyjamas.

"Minho," the Keeper of the Runners was making his way to the map room, already dressed and ready to begin, just without his equipment, Thomas following closely on his heels. "Minho do you want me running today?" Tasha asked, her voice warm and raspy with sleep. It there was a cool breeze blowing from somewhere to the right, which made Tasha shiver and wrap her arms around herself. Thomas avoided her gaze, but Minho gave her an appraising look, before his gaze flicked to the Maze and back to Tasha.

"Thomas and I are exploring some of the outer regions, should be an easy enough run, take maybe half the day, at most." Minho murmured, his brow furrowing as he considered it, the route already planned in his head. Tasha nodded, still uncertain as to whether she was running or not that day. Minho was quiet for a moment, before his gaze was drawn to the Homestead, and he told her, "Newt needs you now." Tasha smiled weakly, but understood.

"Thanks, Min." She told him, not only thanking him for her own sake, but Newt's also. "Stay safe." She told the both of them, clapping Minho on the shoulder before turning on her heel and walking off. Minho turned also, heading towards the equipment room, but Thomas had stayed rooted to the spot, frowning.

"Hey, sorry." He called out after her, she quirked an eyebrow as she glanced over her shoulder. Minho had stopped too and Tasha's gaze locked with Thomas's. "For laughing at you yesterday." He explained. Tasha's expression went blank for a moment as she suppressed the shudder that almost erupted through her. I can't believe he had seen me so weak.

"It's OK, I'm used to it." She told him, a small, bitter smile on her lips, that really was more like a grimace than a smile. Thomas's face fell, and he followed like a lost puppy when Minho tugged him away. Tasha made her way back to Newt's room, unsure of how she felt, discomfort and dissatisfaction sinking low in her belly, but she was surprised to see him blinking blearily in the light.

"Oh, were you talking... Runner... Minho." Newt mumbled, barely conscious. She laughed quietly, her discomfort forgotten in that instant. Everything was alright as she crawled back into the bed beside Newt, letting him hold her close and make sleepy, content noises against her back. "Can we just... lie here, forever?" He asked, quietly, placing a soft kiss on her shoulder, to which Tasha smiled warmly, twisting around to face him, one of his hands still draped over her. They were lying nose to nose, and Tasha closed the space between them, kissing him softly and sweetly.

"Yeah." She mumbled and closed her eyes, slipping back into a dreamless, content sleep. It was harsh, waking up to the sharp light of the morning sky through the slats as Newt shook her awake a few hours later, around the time the others began their breakfast. His expression already weary before the beginning of the day and Tasha's face fell as her thoughts drifted to only mere hours ago, how happy and peaceful they had been. She could hear the movement of the other Gladers as they began their days and followed Newt out of the room, offering Newt a cautious smile which he returned, almost reluctantly, but he wrapped his arm around her, taking a moment to look over the Glade. There was a loud whistle from one of the others and Tasha rolled her eyes, as Newt chuckled, but they parted ways as Tasha made her way to her own bunk. Surprisingly enough however, there was someone occupying her bunk when she went to retrieve her clothes. She wondered if it was one of the others trying to prank her, but the lump was too small to be anyone who would usually prank her, so she stuck to prodding the hammock with her foot, making the occupant jump, which made Tasha jump also.

Quiet is Violent {Newt | The Maze Runner}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora