16. Above or Below

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"Newt!" Their moment is broken by Jeff, who's running towards them from the Med-Jack hut, while Clint followed a pale blur behind him. "The girl's awake," the pale blur became a girl with hair as black as night and Tasha almosts laughs at Jeff's sigh, "and she is not happy." They watch in fascination as the girl climbs the tower, angrily spitting curse words at Clint and throwing things at the Gladers who had begun to gather at the base of the structure, intrigued.

"Well, you should go grab Minho and Tommy, they have something to do with this, I bet you." Newt mused, a sparkle of humour in his eyes as he watched the girl, Jeff nodding and , running off in the direction of the forest. Tasha's eyebrows rose, but Newt simply muttered, "Map room." She nodded in understanding and turned back to the tower.

"We should see if they need help." She she finally muttered as the crowd at the base of the tower grew to a considerable size. To Tasha's constant amusement, this did not impede upon the girl's plan to throw things at the others, rather, she threw with more force than before and Tasha quietly hoped that a few of them were hit. She never claimed to be perfect.

Newt hummed thoughtfully, before he nodded, removing his arm from around Tasha and he took off at a slow jog. Tasha tried to push down the suddenly cold, vaguely empty feeling that had flooded her, and forced her usual, cool mask onto her face as she trailed behind Newt. "Hey!" He called up to the girl, using his hands to shelter his face from her the objects she was lobbing at them

"I said go away!" She screamed, now hidden from sight at the top of the tower, but not out of earshot, a barrage of sticks and rocks managing to hit the Gladers below. Tasha frowned for a moment, stalling from where she had begun to walk over to join them, before diverting her course and heading to the Builder's supplies. She gathered up a stack of thick boards in different materials, some wood and some metal, trotting back to the crowd, dragging the boards behind herself.

"Here, use them as cover." She told the others, distributing them among the boys. The projectiles clanged uselessly off of the makeshift shields and Tasha silently congratulated herself. She watched Gally refuse a shield and she rolled her eyes at him, as she stood away from the crowd, over near Chuck, out of the line of fire, who had just directed Thomas and Minho to the commotion.

"Hey, what happened?" Thomas asked Gally, which in hindsight, was probably not the best course of action. Gally didn't answer, which, of course, surprised no-one, rather his attention was focused on the girl, letting Newt step out from his shield to get closer to the Greenie.

"I don't think she likes us very much." He huffed with laughter, his amused gaze directed towards the girl as she shouted out from her perch.

"What do you want from me?" She demanded, distress and anger clear in her voice. Tasha recognised it, recognised it easily as the same distress she had been plagued with upon her arrival to the Glade, however, she and the girl had chosen to run in different directions. Tasha hummed thoughtfully amidst the chaos, thinking idly about whether she had made the right choice, to run away rather than towards the Glade.

"Hey, look, we just want to talk!" Thomas cried, shielding himself with his hands from her onslaught. By some miracle, most of the projectiles had managed to miss him, and he edged, painfully slowly, towards the structure she was situated within.

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