Chapter 2 : I'm Done With This... Again

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Mom : Ok then, now for this question. (Y/N), what is 74 + 86?

I pause for a while to do the math in my head.

Mom : If it's easier, you can use this paper to-

Me : 160.

Currently, I was being "helped" by my mother of this new world with homework. Now you may be wondering "New world, what the hell are you talking about". Let me explain. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I am a reincarnated 5 year old male who had a pretty shitty life back in Japan, but now I have been reborn in a WW1 era France. Except It's not called France but instead the Francois Republic, or the Republic for short, and there's also magic. Like what the hell, this isn't WW1 at all. It's currently 1909 but the war has already begun. Being X, the war doesn't start for another 5 years, at least get the dates right before throwing me into an old hag's punishment. I look to my mother and see her doing the math on a piece of old paper.

Mom : My goodness, you're correct. You've already completed work that is 3 years above you, yet you continually surpass it like it's nothing. You make me so proud.

I look at my mother to see her gleaming from ear to ear. I never got this from my parents in Japan so I couldn't help but smile back. I don't know what this was, but it felt nice.

Me : I'm glad to hear that, I hope I am able to continue to do so, mother.

Mom : I'm sure you will. This question is 16 x 13.

I grab a pencil and begin to do the math. I eventually come up with the answer.

Me : 208.

Mom : Correct again.

She then hugs me with a closed eyes smile, I couldn't help but smile back. I then hear the front door open. Me and mom turn around to the door to see dad, holding a beer bottle. I look at mom to see with scared and anxious look on her face, I know that face all too well.

Mom : (Y/N), go to your room. Take your homework and continue finishing it, I'll come and check it once I've calmed him down.

I do as I'm said and collect my things and retreat to my own room. I keep doing different sums such as 64 + 52 or 84 ÷ 12. Although I am still able to hear

Dad : Why isn't dinner ready, Julia!?

Mom : A-Alexandre, y-you see. I-I was h-helping (Y/N) with his h-homework.

Dad : Don't give me that shit Julia, you know that fucking whelp doesn't need help! He's got the brains to boot so you don't need but in with that shit! I'm working my ass off, when we are at fucking war may I add, and you can't even be arsed to get up and prepare one fucking meal!

Mom : Alexandre, (Y/N) is going to hear-


Dad : It's always (Y/N) this and (Y/N) that with you, isn't it! For fuck sake Julia he's a mistake.

I stop what I'm doing and look at my bedroom door. Sure, I may not originally be from this world but it still hurts hearing that from a parental figure. After a while, mom comes into my room with a noticeable red mark on her cheek.

Mom : I'm here now sweetie, let's take a look at your answers, ok.

Me : Mom, am I a mistake.

She stays quiet and looks at me. She begins to tear up eventually hugs me and begins to cry.

Mom : No, no your not. Your my precious son, and you'd never do anything wrong. I'll be here for you always.

Me : Really?

(DISCONTINUED)The Butcher Of Verdun (Youjo Senki) (M Reader X Tanya Degurechaff)Where stories live. Discover now