Chapter 7 : The Fall of Fort Vaux

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3rd POV

A train whistle rings out as Tanya steps onto the platform and begins to make her way back to the army camp she was at previously. It had gotten pretty dark nearing the end of the meeting so she decides to make her way to her tent and get some shut eye, she has a long day tomorrow.

Tanya POV

I'm awoken to the sounds of artillery shells being flung over the top and the yelling of orders and slamming of boots. I get out of bed and begin to dress in a more proper attire, my army officer uniform to be more exact. Once that was done, I grab my computation jewel and get a glimpse of the nutcracker that Being X usually uses to talk to me. I scowl as I leave for the tent I had been called from yesterday.

Viktoriya : Oh, Major. I see that your back. I think I've got a plan that can-

I cut her off.

Me : Leave it for now. Gather the rest of the unit, orders from the higher ups.

Viktoriya : Oh. O-Of course.

She salutes and goes to find the rest of the 203rd. I decide to gather everything I need for the briefing and make my way to the briefing hall to see everyone there. I step onto the platform with Viktoriya to my right and Weiss to my left.

Me : Attention!

They stand to attention!

Me : You have all been called here today because I have received direct orders from the higher ups on a mission. Now tell me, have any of you heard about the rumours of a "Butcher of Verdun" by any chance?

A few murmurs began to circle around my men, once they began to die down I regain their attention.

Tanya : The orders I have received are to take us to Verdun and we are to capture this butcher alive. Be ready to move out in 10 minutes.

And with that, they leave to gather their equipment, I wonder where this will take us


I fell the wind rush past my face and through my hair as me and my battalion of mages soar through the sky. Below, soldiers battle it out in no-man's land, trying to win ground. Idiots. I place my gun underneath my arm and turn on the communications around my neck to ensure that my battalion can hear me clearly.

Me : Attention everyone! We'll be arriving at Fort Vaux shortly, be ready to engage.

Everyone : Hai!

I turn off the communications and safely handle my gun back into my grasp so that it wouldn't fall. Eventually, the landscape below (and even at some areas, up with us) changed as the ground became more muddier, the trees were giant matchsticks with thick yellow smoke bellowing towards the sky. It was hell, we had arrived at Verdun. We land close to the fronts to quickly restock on anything we may need before flying in the sky once more and arriving at Fort Vaux. We were able to envelop the fort behind our lines, hopefully the butcher hadn't slipped away in the reported retreat of wounded soldiers that was intercepted, but not successfully stopped.

Me : Alright men, you know what to do! Ready!

Me and the rest of the battalion aim at the fort. Fortunately our attack had been called off so men wouldn't be wasted.

Me : Aim... and Fire!

With the launched barrage from our guns, the defenders of Fort Vaux fell silent. We continued until our ammunition ran dry. Our ground units began their cautious advance, unsure if our bombardment achieved anything other than slightly scrape the top of the fort. The answer was given in the form of an outburst of machine gun fire from the fort. Frustrated, I snatched the communications to turn it on to converse with the officer of this sector.

Me : Hello, this is Major Degurechaff of the 203rd mage battalion. Me and my battalion have been tasked with capturing the so called "Butcher of Verdun". If you are able to capture the fort, do NOT do anything with any prisoners without my presence so that I can get him. We'll return everyday at this time to launch a barrage until the fort capitulates.

I wait for a while for a response. After a while, interference was heard before a clear voice of a man.

Officer : This is Officer Hahn, your order has been acknowledged and will be followed.

I turn the communications off and inform the battalion to return to camp. Hopefully this will help me achieve my goal of getting to the rear.


After taking the last sip of my daily ration of water from the fort's damaged cisterns, I leave to find my bunk while men run back and forth to defend against the Empire. I would join them if it wasn't for the fact that I had been shot in my left shoulder while joining the defence yesterday, I just hope it'll heal sooner rather than later. I get into my bunk and just listen to the sounds of war around me, all the while keeping my rifle near in case the need for it arises. I then take out my journal and begin to write.

 "The Jerry's are still at it. They send their men in with rifles and hand grenades with hope that they'll break through the concrete walls of our sturdy fort Vaux. And with every day that passes, I feel as if that is  the inevitable more and more. Remy and I have been able to hold on as best as we can for as long as we can, but this just feels like purgatory. Not much has happened so this entry won't be as filled as those in the past, but may very well be the last. I'm ready."

Without any other talking points, I close my journal and place it back in my pocket while feeling my hand graze across a papery surface on the opposite side. I take it out to reveal it to be the letter that the Moulin brothers had given me before they met their ends. Through a minor amount of mental gymnastics I give in to curiosity and open the letter. Jaune had told me it was from the Moulin's parents to me as they had mentioned me in their previous letters to their sons. The envelopes seal is messily undone and I take out the letter that is inside and begin to read.

"Dear Mr. (L/N),

We have heard from our two sons, Jaune and Louis Moulin, of your situation as an orphan and your relationship with the two. I shall get straight to the point and explain why me and my wife are currently writing to you also. Once the war has ended, I would like to kindly to ask you to travel with our sons back to our family home instead of the orphanage you had originally came from. This is because me and my wife would like to adopt you as to preserve the relationship between you and our sons, aswell as so I can be the father you never had. We hope to see you soon.

Yours Sincerely, Mr and Mrs Moulin"

I lied there shock, unable to hold my tears as I feel them fall down my face. The worst part was the fact that they probably still don't know that Jaune and Louis have been dead for days now.

Officer : Men, may I have your attention. Due to the ever-increasing severity of our situation, I have decided it would be best for us to surrender to limit our casualties. Gather your belongings and meet outside the fort.

Me and the rest of the soldiers in the barracks begin gathering our personal items from drawers and underneath the beds. I get Remy's food, pictures of me and my mother of this world, some small mementos from my time in the orphanage, and a necklace my father gave to my mother which holds a lot of value for me. I then begin walking out the front of the fort with the other soldiers, but I'm stopped when I all of a sudden I feel myself being hit in the back of the head and blacking out.



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