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I reach home tired

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I reach home tired. Drop my bag on my study table and freshen up. I change into my PJs with cute little hearts on them. Grabbing the book I'm currently reading I slide my white curtains and open the window.

It's still a bit cold but my PJs are warm. I step out of the window on a branch of The live oak tree. The oak tree was there for as long as I can remember. It is huge. The branch spread till almost the front of the house. My room is the nearest to the backyard. The oak tree would have looked creepy but I attached some fairy lights to it. Or else I would have been scared too.

Wait creepy.

Creepy hollow!


There is a wide space in the centre of the tree, two people can easily fit there. Or more than that.

The tree has shed some leaves during winter. Though winters aren't that cold here in the southern part of Texas.

I sit on my spot, my back reclined on one of the branches.

I had been reading for the past hour when I hear some ruffling noise.


What was that?


I move in the direction of my room and see through the leaves.


What the hell is he doing?

"Heyyyy! What are you doing?!"

"Knocking at your window." He replies, but then his brows furrow. Like he is confused or focused. "Where are you?" He says after a while.

"Doesn't matter, what do you want? "

"We need to talk ." Huh?

"Eh... About what?"

"What happened during lunch."

"That was a dare. Why do you care? Shouldn't it happen to you all the while? " That rhymed!

"It doesn't." I doubt that.

"Okay. " I shrug. He didn't answer my first question.

I resume my spot on the tree and continue reading.

"Are you there? Why did you run away?" I thought we finished talking.

"Don't you have anything else to keep yourself busy with?" I mumbled. Hopefully, he didn't hear it.

Look, I don't always complain but he disturbed me from reading.

"Stella! Dinner! " I hear another voice say. Shout. My mother to be specific.

"Coming!". I come out of the foliage of leaves with my book in one hand.

The branch was a little below my window and if I stand my head would reach above it. I bend a little to open the window and jump inside.

"You were there?" Shouldn't he be gone?

"Yes." I turn around to look at him and you can say I just melted into a puddle.

Doesn't he own any t-shirts?

"Bye," I say quickly before closing the window.


"I'm coming! "

I throw the book on the bed and rush downstairs.

"How many times should I call you!? Huh? What do you do reading those books all the time?-" my jaws clench, but I don't say anything and busy myself serving dinner tuning out of her speech.

"How was school?" Dad asks sometime between dinner.

"Good.  The usual ."

We make small talk till dinner is over. I help with the dishes and go upstairs to finish my homework. There isn't much. Algebra, physics and biology.

I complete it within another hour and a half then sigh with relief.

A smile works up on my face thinking of what's coming next.

I open my laptop ..... MS word... Oh, so cliché... Chapter 15.

Oh yes, I am writing this book.  I'm loving writing it so far. I'm about halfway through the book.

Did I mention my love for your cliche books? Maybe I did. So I am writing this book which is just so cliché. Hence, the name of the book.

You see my single life ain't that bad. At least I don't sit and mourn about it all the time. And I'm getting all the experience at the same time through books,y'know.

I yawn out of tiredness. I'll continue writing tomorrow. I have school too.

Oh no. Its Tuesday. P.E classes!

I am so gonna dread it.


What kind of cliches does y'all like?
My personal favourite is fake dating. 😁😁Hence this book.

Anyways, hope y'all are enjoying this so far. This chapter was kinda a filler one because I so wanted to include the tree scene.

The next one is gonna have some drama. Get ready with popcorn peeps!

Stay safe! Love,

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