Chapter 10 ~★©

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You could call me that and I wouldn't argue, maybe that's my truth after all, that's what I always do, I date bad boys, I act like their little innocent cute good girl, then break them when I'm done.

I can't believe Pete have almost heard Zack saying I was sleeping with guys for dares, THANK GOD PETE WAS SO MAD TO FOCUS ON ZACK!

I never would have cared if any other bad boy figured this out, but Pete.. He's different, he's a bad boy yet he's trying to be good for me, he's not pushing me too hard and he's so patient with me.

He's my bad boy, mine.

I looked through the window as we passed my home, what is he doing?

"You passed my home." I said.

"I'm not taking you your home when I know your other boyfriend is waiting for you there." He said in annoyance.

"So where are you taking me? Please don't tell me you're taking me to the church to make me yours and no one else's." I said making a jock.

He obviously didn't find it funny.

"I don't know where I'm taking you."

"Oh! so we're on a road trip? Perfect." I said in annoyance.

"I want to make it up to you, there's a party my friend is doing and I was thinking of maybe letting you meet my friends?"

"Oh, I'm sure I met them, your friends are the most popular kids in school."

"I meant maybe you can also be friends with them, I don't like it that you only have one friend, you're so cool to only have him."

Ignoring the fact that he's trying to make me friends with his friends to distract me from seeing Zack, I tried changing the subject.

"I'm sure a highschool party begins at night, let's say the party stars at 9PM, we're going to still be having 10 hours to kill, and I don't want to waste 10 hours of my life burning in a car with so bad conditioning, I just wanna go back home and watch some Netflix or some meme or-"

"We could do all that at my home."

"First, you tired running me over, Second, you kidnapped me, Now, you're planning to lock me up in your house 24/7 until you get bored with me and try to kill me!"

He smiled. "Yeah."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't, I'm trying to kill you to show you how much love I have for you." He said sarcastically.


"You mean to say I'm.. hot?" he smirked.


"Hot shit."


"And you are a baby sloth."

"And you are a DISGUSTING BAD BOY."

"YOUR BAD BOY." He said laughing.

"Stop laughing I'm MAD!"


We stayed quiet for a couple of minutes until we both started laughing.

"I'm hungry."


Pete was serious about kidnapping me, he locked me up in his room, while he went to fetch some food.

He can't lock me up!

I ran to his window, there was a tree I can use to climb down, I was wearing one of Pete's shirts and I fell in love with it, I might steal it for a bit.

I opened the window and very slowly I started climbing down, it was higher than I thought, there was still about 5 feet until I reached the ground and I couldn't go up nor climb down, I heard Pete's car pull over.

That's embarrassing.

I don't wanna die on a tree trying to escape from my boyfriend's house, its either embarrassing myself in front of him or embarrassing myself in front of everyone in town when they figure out how I died.

"Pete!" I screamed.

"Uh.. Noam?" He said looking around him, he doesn't know where I am.

"No, your mom." I sighed. "Up here!"

He looked at the tree and he started laughing.

Yup, here comes the embarrassment.

"Yeah, Yeah, so funny, help me down." I said.

"How'd you get up there?" He said having both his hands on my waist.

There was no need to lie so I told him the truth. "I was trying to escape."


I nodded jumping off the tree and I fell with Pete to the ground, me on top of him and I almost kissed him, almost.

"I would much prefer this on my bed." He said smirking, breaking the silence.

I rolled my eyes. "Keep dreaming."

"Hey, is that my shirt?"


"It looks good on you." He winked. "Just please don't steal it."

"You can borrow it if you want."

"Borrow my own shirt? You're so kind."

I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Get up I'm hungry." I said pulling him up.


Hey! I posted early, I've been working on the other story that I was afraid to forget updating this one

Teaser: Noam goes to the party with Pete :)

Do date: (Thursday, 23rd.June.2022)

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