Chapter 12~★©

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Pete's POV:

That bastard!

He's probably with her at her place, in her room, he can't just take what's mine, she's mine.

I LOVE her, not him.

I never thought anyone was better than me, I thought that no matter how hard she looks, she won't find anyone to replace me, I made sure of if, giving her everything and being everything she wants, and I never did a single mistake in our relationship.

Well, not until 3 months ago.

She's not answering her phone, she isn't trying to avoid me, but she doesn't look twice at me now, she's so different than last time I've seen her, her usually pale white skin and pink lips are now colorful, her usually brown hair now has reddened, she looks so much beautiful, so much alive, I try to catch up with her after school but her bloody friend is always with her like he's her bloody bodyguard, he glares at me when he sees me walking their way, he whispered something in my girlfriend's ear and she turns around glaring at me.

I smiled at her, she's so beautiful, she didn't return the smile, but looked at me in disgust, and that... That hurt me.

I smiled sadly now, she looked at her bloody friend, she tells him to meet her in his car then she fucking tiptoed and fucking kissed him while I'm standing right here.

It hurts, she keeps hurting me and I don't even know why it hurts, I did the same thing to her, I hurt her too, but this.. The thing I'm feeling right now hurts much worse.

"Can I talk to you?" I said after Zack was gone.

"Go on."

"I'm sorry.. You're the most amazing person in the entire world and you don't deserve what I did to you, I didn't mean what I said in the party, or did, I was really just drunk, I'm really sorry."

"I.." She said.

I looked at her waiting to hear her say she forgives me and kiss me, I miss the feeling of her lips on mine, I'm not even mad at her for kissing Zack in front of me, I deserve it, but we have to make up what went wrong between us.

She twirls a strand of her hair around her finger and looks at me her eyes softening. "I can forgive you, but I can't just forget about it like you forgot you had a girlfriend at that party." She shrugs.


"I said I'm sorry.. I never drank a drop of alcohol after that night, I did it for you and you would have known that if you didn't hangup every time I tired calling you." I said trying so hard not to shout those words at her and not curse, she doesn't like it when I swear.

"I'm sorry, but the damage was already done, once you break a glass, you cannot un-break it." She shrugs again.

Something is wrong, like she's trying to say something but can't.

"Can we make up?" I asked hoping she'd agree and kiss me right here, right now.

She sighed. "We can make up."

I started to sigh in relief when she said something that completely broke me.

"But we can't be together anymore." She said not looking at me.

"Wha- Noam.." I said but no sentence was forming, I was hurt.

"I'm sorry, I have to move on and you have to too, I can't do this anymore."

"Since that night in the party I've never flirted with any other girl, reminding myself that I have a bloody girlfriend I love that I don't wanna see hurt anymore, you haven't spoken to me in 3 months yet I never looked in any other girl's direction, and all along.. Are you telling me that I did all that while you were sleeping with Zack? While we were still a thing?"

Noam stayed quiet for a while.

"I and Zack are kind of a thing for the past 3 months." She said, more like whispering.

I run a hand through my hair while looking at her face, she's so fucking beautiful. "For.. Since when? What happened that made you.. A thing?"

"The night after the.. party.."

"I knew it, that asshole!" I lost control and started to get angry. "What did he do to you that night?" I half shouted.

"He.. We kissed." Her voice was cracking, she was afraid.

I calmed myself down and closed my eyes. "What else?"

She didn't answer.

I nodded knowingly. "You slept with him." I sighed. "I'm going to kill him."

"No!" She suddenly yelled.

I put both my hands in my pocket and stared at her blankly.

"You're mine." I said looking to the ground. "You're supposed to love me, what were you doing with him when you should have been with me?"

"I would have asked you the same question 3 months ago."

"I was drunk!"

"And I was broken, you hurt me, and I found someone who wouldn't." She looked to the ground again. "Zack doesn't drink or smoke or look twice at a girl when he's in a relationship, he wouldn't hurt anyone without a reason."

I looked at her in disbelieve, and shook my head.

"We are over Pete." She breathed. "I guess what we felt for each other wasn't love at all, it was just kind of like and admiring." She then smiled. "We can still be friends though."

No! We can't just end like that! No!

"Okay." I said heading off, I saw her walking towards Zack's car, the bastard was eavesdropping, he didn't smirk at me, he just nodded, his eyes were saying 'I'll take it from here.', he smiled and drove off after Noam got in the car and he kissed her.

That bastard!

I bit my bottom lip walking to my car.

"Are you going to continue chasing after her?" Zoe asked when I reached the car.

"I love her."

"No you don't, what were you expecting from a highschool relationship? You thought you love her, but you two know nothing about love, you just like the thought of loving her, that's all."

I nodded unconvinced.

"Let her go." She said.

Let go of Noam Anderson? That's the hardest task I've been given.


Pete and Noam officially broke up 👊😔

Teaser: Zack's POV 😊

What does Zack think of his amazing girlfriend bestfriend 😏

Do date: (Thursday, 30th.June.2022)

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