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Have you ever been so happy that your heart feels like its floating and it's like you can actually see the world for the first time?

That's what it feels like every time I come to Cousins.

I'm with my favorite people, it's my favorite season, and I'm surrounded by water.

And I LOVE swimming.

"Jere, do you want to go for a swim?" Young Lauren whispered into the boy's room.

He took off his gaming headset and looked at her. She would've asked Belly to go swimming with her, but it was already midnight, and she was fast asleep.

He looked at her like she was crazy for a minute before a smirk filled his face, "Duh!"

It seemed as if the roles had been reversed since I sat on my bed with Jeremiah pleading me to go swimming. Any other time, I would have said yes in an instant, but I was exhausted from the car trip and just wanted a nap.

"Come on Elle! I've wanted to go swimming in the ocean all day, but I was waiting for you to get here!" He begged trying to give me puppy dog eyes.

I laughed, "Stop looking at me like that. If you can convince Belly to go, I'll go." 

He jumped up and skidded over to her room. 

The first summer I stayed in Cousins with Belly we were both scared of the dark after Steven told us a scary story, so we shared her room, but the following year Susannah told me that one of the guest rooms was all mine and she even decorated it with me.

I don't know what I did to deserve her.

I heard my door fling open and snapped my head up to see Jere standing there once again, "Ha! She said yes which means get ready!" 

He sprinted out and I dug a blue bikini out of my bag to change into.


"Come on!" Jeremiah yelled as me and Belly ran down the stairs. I was excited to swim and it felt like our trio was back together after too long apart.

"Hey, did you know my dad's coming up for the fourth?" Belly asked as we started the walk to the beach.


"Don't you think it's weird? They've only been divorced for like a year and a half." she said looking at us.

The divorce was horrible. 

I remember Belly coming over to my house and spending all night in my arms crying, or me climbing out of the window to sneak out and comfort her.

"Well, that's what's so cool about your mom. She doesn't give a shit." Jere laughed.

I smiled at my two best friends, "God I love your moms," and they laughed at me.

They continued to talk about the divorce, and I zoned out looking at the trees around us. 

Belly smiled as we walked into view of the ocean, "I've waited all year for this."

"Want to race?" Jere asked.

I smiled to myself, "Guys, actually my ankle hurts I probably shouldn't be running-" I threw my towel on the ground and got a head start as the other two chased me.

I was the first one to reach the water and turned around laughing to shove Jeremiah in. The three of us started having a water fight and I screamed when a wave pushed me under.

I came out of the water covered in sand with my hair ratted against me and they both started dying laughing.

"You look like the girl from the ring!" Jere cackled.

Cruel Summer, Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now