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Now that you are caught up on what happened during the school year, back to the present...

"Alright, I got us all matching pink crop tops and new knee pads," Taylor gushed as I walked through the halls with some of the volleyball girls.

Belly, Taylor, and I were all supposed to be next years volleyball captains, but Belly quit when she choked at regionals. I felt bad for her, but then again, that was when we were still talking.

Now I could honestly care less.

I laughed, "WOW, new knee pads, I'm so excited!" my voice dripped with sarcasm.

Since Susannah's death, Taylor and I actually grew really close after Belly shut everyone out most of the time.

"Hey, Belly!" Taylor called as the girls reached her locker.

Not wanting to deal with it, I placed a hand on Taylor's arm, "I'll see you guys later."

"No, Lauren-" Taylor tried to get me to stay but I just kept walking away.

Since our fight at Susannah's funeral, Belly and I hadn't spoken one word to each other. I was still hurt by what she said to me, and I was too petty to be the first one to reach out.

"Lauren!" I heard my name being called and spun around to see Steven.

A small smile lit up my face, "Hey, Steven. What's up?" I missed him. It was weird not being at the Conklin house and arguing with him everyday.

"So are you gonna come to my graduation and the party later tonight?" he asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

I hesitated, "I don't know... I want to be there for you... but Belly-"

"Screw Belly!" he laughed, "You're my friend too and I want you to go."

I wanted to say no, but the look on his face made me cave and I nodded, "Yes!" he yelled jumping down the hall, "it's at 5, be there!" he turned around and pointed at me.

Playfully rolling my eyes, I spun around and continued down the hall towards the exit.


"They say that everything happens for a reason," I made eye contact with Steven as he made his valedictorian speech and gave him a reassuring nod.

"Now who they are exactly, is a mystery. Maybe a theologian coined it, or whoever configured the simulation we are clearly living in. Maybe it was Rihanna, nah Rihanna can do NO wrong, it definitely wasn't her. But we've heard it, time and time again. It's supposed to convince us that everything had to happen exactly so in order to teach us something about ourselves, in order, for us to grow. And meet our destinies. I think that's BS. You know, break ups don't always lead to break throughs, you know, sometimes a girl dumps you after an awesome summer, and it sucks, and you learn nothing from it, but you eventually force yourself to move on anyways. And then, the unthinkable happens, and you realize it's worthless to think of it that way,"

I looked over and saw Belly looking at the empty seat that was reserved for Susannah.

"because everything just happens, you know, good things, bad things, all in way you never expect, all in ways that are so completely out of your control that they could just drive you insane. There are times where it feels like the world is happening to you, but remember that you are also happening to the world. So don't wait, make what you want happen because tomorrow isn't promised, so you better make fucking sure that you are living today."

I cheered for Steven's moving speech. I was so proud of all that he has achieved.

After the graduation I met Steven outside and threw my arms around his waist in a big hug, "I'm so proud of you," I muttered into his chest.

Cruel Summer, Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now