Chapter 4

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~ Noah ~

Kyle: Dude, check this

The link that Kyle sent me led to a music video of a four-member band playing with people jumping up and down and slamming into each other in time with the music. After I was done watching, I send him a text:

Noah: Um, they are okay, I guess. Not really my thing. What's with the hairy costumes?

Kyle: Erm, they are the METAL YETIS... They play metal and dress up as yetis. It's their gimmick. And it's working. Even people who don't like their music share the videos because hello yetis playing the drums and the guitar and belching lyrics. They have some more rock vibe stuff too. Should've sent you a link to something softer

Noah: Maybe I'll check the other videos later. How are you?

Kyle: Dude stop asking!!!

Noah: I always ask you? What's with the !!! ?

Kyle: You are asking a lot more since the other day. I told you it was just some annoying guy. Nothing to worry about.

Noah: You sure?

Kyle: Just as sure as the first dozen of times you asked me. Gotta go. Getting rammed by a firefighter

Noah: Hooking up with a real one or a fake for a shoot?

Kyle: Fake for a shoot. His big equipment is real tho ;)

Noah: ...

Kyle: xoxo

I stretched and left my phone on the nightstand.

That was Kyle for you, a guy who really enjoyed his job. And speaking of a job: I had to prepare for one of mine, my shift at Marv's Groceries barely an hour away.


"You know you are supposed to be putting things on the shelves, not staring at the shelves?"

I shook myself back to reality and away from thoughts of the odd coincidence that the guy I'd saved was my new boss's baby brother. Callian's voice had come from the left, so that was the direction I looked at.

Instead of cleaning the floor, he'd titled his slim frame sideways, leaning on the mop, and watched me... Do nothing. I returned my gaze to the shelf and started putting items to fill the empty spaces on it.

Callian moved his ethereal body - all long, slender limbs - until he was standing beside me. He put the mop down and began aiding me in my task.

"So, what's got you all tense and musing?" Cal bent down to pick up a few cans of tomato sauce and placed them in their proper place on the shelves. "Anything you want to talk about, darling?"

"Maybe." I shrugged, but then gave it some thought.

Did I want to talk about it?

Callian had been friendly from the start, showing me the ropes when I got this job, even though he himself had only been on it for a couple of months. He also had a way of making you relax. Well, making me relax; some of the shoppers were clearly uncomfortable with either not being able to guess his gender, or with being helped by a long-haired blond guy who was stunning enough to rival any female model. I somewhat understood the men - I was sure he'd made a few of them question their sexuality - but I still thought it was no one's business and they didn't have the right to stare at him.

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