Chapter 16 - Kylie

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Wyld Times, Episode 61

Kylie and Bruce are walking along a windswept beach. It's not a tropical cove with white sand and turquoise waters; it's a rocky bay flanked by crumbling cliffs and a slate-grey sky. The little girl's hair whips around her face as she races towards a large rock. Curling her chubby fingers under it, she heaves the stone over and examines the underside. "Bru! I found a big crab!"

Her hand shoots down and emerges with a crab about the size of a fidget spinner. She holds the little creature on his sides and grins in delight as he waves his claws around. "He's so cool! There's so much amazing stuff to find at the beach!"

Bruce looks slightly bored. "Yep, our Australian beaches are a natural wonder."

Kylie carefully replaces the crab beneath the rock, then she flips over another one. "Nothing."

She turns several more, while Bruce says to camera in a disinterested tone, "It's important for everyone to take responsibility for litter at the beach, which is why the Australian government has asked us to speak with you all about-"

"Bru!" Kylie's voice is high with excitement. "Bru, you need to check this out! I found an octopus!"

"Let me see," replies Bruce, dashing through the shallow rock pools to reach her side.

Kylie points to a tiny octopus. "He's adorable! But Michelle says we should be careful of sea creatures if we don't know whether or not they're dangerous."

The camera zooms in, showing the vibrant azure markings on the octopus's skin. Bruce grins wickedly, then bends at the waist, saying, "Me missus doesn't have the nads for this line of work – but sometimes, you gotta get a little wild." He picks up the small critter between his thumb and forefinger.

As he lifts the octopus, he says, "This is a Southern Blue-Ringed Octopus. He might be only tiny, but he's one of the most lethal animals on the planet. He's filled with a deadly neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin, which is over 1,000 times more toxic than cyanide."

"Bruce..." Kylie's huge eyes widen. "He's poisonous? Put him down!"

"Aw, don't be such a big girl's blouse," Bruce scoffs. "Oo, look! When he gets mad, his rings get brighter!"

The small cephalopod's skin is filled with glowing blue circles. Bruce's eyes sparkle with something dark and dangerous as he examines the octopus and says, "Tetrodotoxin has an instant effect, blocking nerve impulses and paralysing muscles. Victims can't move but they remain conscious and aware – until the muscles that allow them to breathe become paralysed and they pass out from a lack of oxygen. And did I mention – there's no antidote?"

"Bruce, please," Kylie begs. Tears are rising in her eyes. "Put it down!"

"Alright, alright," he says, sighing. As he lowers his arm, he moves suddenly and pretends to throw the octopus in Kylie's direction. "Catch!"

She screams in genuine fear, staggering back and tripping over a large rock. Her arms flail in the air before she splashes backward, landing in the chilly water. She cries out, clasping her arm to her chest, a large gash bleeding from her wrist to her elbow.

"Settle down, princess," says Bruce with disdain. He holds the octopus up. "Look, I was just kidding – I've still got him. Put your big girl panties on!"

He plops the dangerous animal back in the rock pool, then eyes Kylie, who is still shivering in the water, with contempt. "I hope we've learned a lesson today: don't go exploring if you're not prepared to deal with what you find."

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