Chapter 5

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The moon shone over the darkened cemetery as I laid inside my grave.

"P-please don't kill me," she begged, her cries as enticing as that of the other girl named Anastasia. The only difference was that Anastasia was different, and this girl was just a normal human.

It had been hours since I have stepped foot inside my cemetery, and I had been hungry for a soul to feed on. The glorious moon shone with pride and the sharp light fell on my face. The cool, misty air of my town welcomed me warmly. I rested my head on the smooth cemented surface, hearing the pleasant, melodious cries of my prey.

I wished the previous girl was in place of her. It would have been simply a pleasure to taste her sweet and innocent soul. It would have been a show to watch her cry and squirm. My inner evil surfaced at the thought of inflicting pain on someone as beautiful as her. She was something else—she had a quality that people generally didn't posses. Within such a short span of time, I recognised every emotion she was holding inside her heart. I saw it right through her eyes. The way her eyes twinkled with sparks of innocence and the love for everything, the way she fought the sadness in her sad like a fighter. She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl I had laid my eyes upon. She was a feast for an eye, and she reminded me of something I extremely despised.

      Myself. She reminded me of how I was when I was an human.

   Almost many, many centuries ago, I was born and killed on this exact land. Like every other dark creature like me, I too was an Hunan. I was just an orphan who had no home, no family, and no love. The only thing precious to me was my life, and it was taken away as well. While I had a soul in me, I was the victim of injustice, cruelty, and inhumanity. Later on, when I was introduced to an inhuman world, I gave away my soul. Then, I was turned into something sinister.

    I was turned into the most strongest Evil, the prince of Darkness.

"Please please please I beg you please let me go," the girl chanted, as warm tears ran down her face. I could smell her fear, and how cold her blood turned.

    She was a nobody. I saw her walking down the street, alone and drunk. She was intoxicated, and it did not take me much time to lure her into my web. I was the spider who invited the fly into my parlor. Later when she realized her life was at stake, it was too late.

    I was born when the sun was young and, we were often told the story of Hell and Heaven. We were told how demons hid in the darkness and angels prevailed in the brightness of the light. Bullshit, there was no hell or heaven. There was only the worlds of Bright And Dark.

         Dark was the strongest realm, where Evils lurked. It was the unknown world that humans did not know about because their knowledge was always restricted inside their own world. Evils were the creatures of darkness and I was the strongest of them all. Dark was not the only realm that existed apart from the human world. Bright existed beside us, and it was the world of the of the good souls who protected the humans. They were called lights. Both of the realms were hidden away from the human population. However today, I had exposed myself to an innocent human girl.

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