Chapter 6

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"Hello Peter."

       He smirked, and it was a deadly one. He looked and felt more powerful, almost like he was already the King of Dark. His attire has changed with time, and the negativity he carried with him had increased to such level where the freshly bought flowers inside my office has turned black and grey within seconds of his entrance. For humans, it would be a suffocation if he was around them. Everything about him was changed and more defined now when I was seeing him after centuries.

     His jawline was sharper, and his skin was so pale that if he would have been a human, then his veins would have been visible under his skin. He was wearing a leather jacket, and it surprised me to some extent with how he always accommodated himself with his surroundings in such a way that not even the Angels and lights would recognize him in the human world.

      "Robert, Robert, Robert," he uttered, as he walked close to me. He started to encircle me like a predator encircling his prey before it is to be eaten. The rule of the forest, to always respect the prey before you feast on it.

     I tried my best to keep on smiling. Indeed he was my friend, indeed he meant a lot to me. However, I was a part of the human world now whereas he would always despise the humans and their humanity for what they did to him in the past. The concrete reasons were unknown to everyone because Peter Stevenson was an enigma never meant to be solved.

     "It's good to see you, Peter," I acknowledged him, and kept my keen eyes focused on him continuously. He might end up causing a genocide in my office which was not something I was looking for to upgrade my reputation as a business tycoon.

     "I wish I could say the same," he confessed, and I accepted such answers from him. His deep, silk-laced voice was now dripping for venom, "I did not expect you to be so changed."

      "I am not changed," I contradicted him, "I am still your friend and follower."

       "Is it so?" He stopped in front of me, and looked right into my eyes. His eyes were gone by now. There was only a hollow column of nothingness that filled his lifeless eyes. I took a step back with the sudden realization that it was his inner evil that was talking to me and not the real Peter who valued ideals like friendship and brotherhood. It was true that evils were emotionless and heartless creatures but they had a different level of bond with other evils. Peter and I shared a deeper bond than that.

          "Why would you question it?" I asked him straightforwardly, wondering if he was seeing right through my mind to comprehend the mixed feelings that were espoused in my inner self for him.

    "You never came to my cemetery," he clicked his tongue and went to the other side of the desk. Sitting on my chair, he relaxed and placed his foot up on my table, almost stepping on my important files and documents. Although I wanted him to get up from my seat, I had no authority to do so unless I wanted to lose my second life as well. Then, all my luxury and money and fame would go as well.

     No, Robert. Calm yourself. You are an Evil as well, I reminded myself constantly.

     "I was so caught in work," I answered with honesty.

     To be honest, I was not supposed to feel such disapproval for Peter Stevenson, the man who blessed me with another life. I remembered well when life defeated and betrayed me in all ways. I remembered when I held onto the lifeless body of my wife Melissa for days because she was not only my wife back then but also the mother of my unborn child. I loved them so dearly. I wanted a bright future for all three of us. We used to live in a little town in England. I wanted to be the Duke and she would be my duchess when we both were commoners. However one disturbing night when I returned back home, my family was slaughtered by the goons of the neighbor town. My whole world was shook. My own heart was torn into pieces. I found no peace, and decided to end my life. I was nearing the cliff, and then I met him.

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