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Ben and Bellatrix sat in Fei's room, Bellatrix was honestly bored with all of this talking the two were doing so she decided to read. What? Harry Potter. Although it was hard for her to concentrate with Fei's birds constantly making noise and Fei herself cutting up some food. 

She glanced up at Fei who could feel the girl's eyes on her making her roll her eyes and just cut louder.

"We're getting tons of missing person complaints in a three-block radius." Fei began, "I was thinking hysteria."

"What are they up to?" Ben asked as his eyes were glued to the same spot, although nothing was there. It was as if he was staring off into space. His fingers tapped up and down his arm, a thing he did time-to-time.

"Who?" Fei had asked and Bellatrix looked up at her in confusion.

"Who do you think? Santa Klaus and his elves?" Bellatrix asked sarcastically as Ben snorted at her statement, Fei just pursed her lips in annoyance still not getting an answer.

"The Umbrella Academy." Ben rolled his eyes, "Use your head, Number Two. First Marcus, now they're grabbing civilians off the streets?" Ben sighed standing up and walking through the room as both Fei and Bellatrix looked at him confused,

"Number Two?" The two girls asked at the same time not understanding why Fei would be called Ben's number, though Bella had an inkling as to why.

"I suppose that means you're Number One now?" Bella asked as she looked at Ben unimpressed.

"Marcus is missing," Ben stated as Bellatrix sighed in her seat, all of this Marcus' talk was annoying. Yes, he's missing but no one particularly liked him. "I'm taking the reins." Ben shrugged. 

Fei scoffed as Bellatrix chuckled knowing this is exactly something that Ben would do, "Oh yay! I'm Number 7!" Bellatrix cheered, intense sarcasm dripping down from her tongue. "At least father liked me the best. Still does!"

"Bella, you know you're better than all of us." Ben looked at her like she was dumb as she shrugged, a tiny smile on her face.

"I know."

"And Fei," Ben summoned now turning his attention onto her, "You think Number One should be you?" 

"You had your chance once. Didn't turn out too well, now, did it?" Fei clapped back as Bellatrix bit her lip to keep herself from saying anything, while Ben exhaled rather sharply as he suddenly grabbed one of Fei's birds and squeezed its neck stopping its airway.

The bird shrieked loudly as Fei looked shocked and almost scared, Bellatrix didn't really have no feelings towards this. She already knew of the man's anger and this wasn't even at its worse.

Fei started to make her other birds fly around the room when Grace suddenly walked in. "Excuse me. Children, do you mind if I clean up?"

Ben groaned, "Do it quickly." He stated as he looked down at Bellatrix, "Go to the Umbrella's to get information." Bellatrix rolled her eyes but otherwise nodded and teleported to the hotel Obsidian.

The Umbrella family went silent when black and violet smoke came out of nowhere as they went to see what was happening. There in all her glory stood Bellatrix Hargreeves and Five felt like fainting. Stanley did too. 

Bellatrix looked up and saw them all facing her. "So much for being discreet." She sighed,

"Hello, Trixy." Luther waved, a goofy smile on his face as the rest of his family looked at him in shock,

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