Chapter 6

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Verity's melodic voice rose above the cheering crowd. Sweet, but with a bite that made me lean in, eager for more. The set had begun twenty minutes ago with up-tempo selections I'd heard dozens of times on the radio, and in one case, in a commercial for mascara. This song, however, was new to me, although the audience seemed to know it already. They sang along, swaying back and forth to the slow beat.

I was a wild dancer

He was a true warrior

We dreamed of escaping together

We dreamed of finding each other

I left and I lost him

I left and I lost him

We thought we'd found the key to happiness

But I went to dance wild in the moonlight

And I searched the night sky for him

My true warrior had escaped

Without me.

I left and I lost him

Letting the house security deal with crowd control, I was free to watch from the wings. Verity in profile, glimmery as the bright spotlight hit her, wore the costume of a Greek goddess: a fitted toga with slits dangerously high up both thighs, golden cuff bracelets wrapped around her wrists. I studied the line of her bare neck where it met her shoulders and for a moment, let her be a beautiful popstar deity rather than the monster all signs indicated she was.

The song transported me to a paradisal world where monsters didn't exist. But when Flora came to stand at my side, I fell back to Earth, returning to the reality of my life and my solemn mission.

"This song speaks to me," Flora shouted over the music.

"Is it new?"

"Pretty new, yep."

We both took a couple of steps back to make it easier to hear each other.

"It's good."

"A man of few words."

That was true, but only when it was in my best interest to hold something back. I could say a lot more, but I wasn't going to let on to Flora the many ways this song was making me feel. "I have many words," I told her, "But I was curious to hear more from you instead."

Flora stuck her hands in her pockets and swayed from side to side with the music's slow tempo. "Okay. About what?"

"Well, I don't know if you realized it or not, but Verity and I didn't exactly start off on the right foot."

"Really?" She snorted. "Did you know she called you a useless contract obligation?"

"She did?"

"And also, an overpaid babysitter who would probably accidentally drop a real baby if one was left in your care."


"Guess she hasn't warmed up to you, huh?" She looked at me and cocked her head. "You don't like her either, do you?"

"What? Of course, I do. She's Verity Jayne." I tried not to let emotion leak into my voice. "What's not to love."


"She's gorgeous and talented."

"And smart," Flora added. "People tend to overlook that."

"Not me. She's highly intelligent, clearly. And so, so witty with her insults."

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