Chapter 30

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Even with a wolf roaming the stage and Verity's cult leader "change your reality" speech happening, the show, as they say, must go on. The "they" in this instance, was a frantic manager with dollar signs in her eyes and a seemingly enormous capacity to suspend disbelief.

"No one told me we'd be doing an animal act. Where's its handler?" Janene searched the startled faces of the stage crew but all any of them could do was shrug.

"You didn't know?" she asked as though she'd already deemed them guilty of a crime. "No? None of you?"

She swung around to me. "Well, you must have. What the hell was she thinking, and how the flying fuck did she pull that off?"

"Okay, first of all, I never know what Verity is thinking," A small lie but one that felt believable, given what was currently transpiring. "Second, it's fine. Look at the crowd, they're eating this up!" The seething I felt at my core for Verity's reckless decision would have to sit festering deep within me for a while. Now was the time for damage control.

"I suppose, but still." Biting her lip, Janene stared out at the stage. "Is that an honest to God wolf? Does Martin know she has a wolf? Where is he, by the way?"

"Back at the hotel nursing a headache. And no, there's no chance he knew she was going to do this." If Verity's dad had been stage-side, she'd have at least second guessed this decision. Martin was not going to be happy with her.

"You've gotta get that thing away from me. I'm terrified of dogs." Verity's bassist, Sheri, took big, gulping breaths as she braced herself against a set piece. She'd hidden herself behind it after fleeing the stage. "I got bit as a child."

"You don't have to worry; it's a wolf not a dog."

Her eyes grew big. "That's better to you?"

"It's safe, Sheri," I reiterated. "Verity wouldn't bring it out here if it wasn't. You trust her, right?"

"She knows I'm afraid of dogs! Or... dog-like beasts." She plopped herself down on the floor. "I'm not going back out there until she gets rid of it."

"All right." Rubbing at my temple I tried to open a channel to Verity, who was still engaging with her audience. Much to the chagrin of the venue's security, she'd allowed several fans on stage to see her wolf up close.

Enough with the wolf. You made your point. Sheri is scared.


I repeated my appeal.

She's terrified of dogs, remember? Yes, I know, you're a wolf not a dog. Believe it or not, I tried explaining that to her. The bottom line is, she won't come back on stage unless you put your wolf away. Do you want to finish the show or not?"

After a long pause, she connected back with me.

She doesn't have to be afraid. I'm not going to bite her.

She has a phobia, Verity. It's not based on reason. Much like Verity's decisions tonight.

All right, fine. Give me a moment, buzzkill.

Even telepathically, her disdain for me could not be clearer. My heart sunk. I may be mad at her for this latest stunt—a stunt that would waken up every Aurum Venari member to her true powers, but the thing I still felt worst about was that she would never forgive me. I wouldn't ever mean to her what she meant to me.

After a few more lucky fans got to pet the top of Verity's canine head, she announced that she was ready to "merge with her wolf," which she did, to the great delight of the audience.

The True OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz