Chapter 9 Part 2

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Day one of Gold Rush Revenge and I was already regretting my life choices. Was my tour's survival worth being led by a conman through the backwoods of Northern California, roughing it for days so he could lead us to a fake gold stash? Not only that, but we were also expected to play along with a convoluted storyline the entire time. I'd dragged my father along, as well as Flora and Macy. While my dad seemed reticent, to my great horror, my friends both appeared completely engaged.

"So, Buckshot Barney, stole gold from prospectors, got rich, kept stealing, and then was killed in a saloon shoot out?" Flora asked Alek. She'd read every word of the brochure he'd given us before we left LA and had done additional research online.

"You've got it, Flora." Alek replied. We came to a fork in the trail, two miles from the camp site that marked the trailhead and, after consulting the worn-out map I doubt he needed, he motioned us to the right. "Can anyone tell me what happened to his most recent score prior to his untimely demise? Verity?"

Earbuds in, I'd been listening to music in the hopes that I could avoid this conversation. I glanced his way in feigned surprise and paused Beyoncé's most recent single. "I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"I know the answer to that!" Macy held her hand up like she was gunning to become valedictorian of the school of Alek.

"I'm not surprised," Alek said. "Tell Verity so she'll remember this later on when I quiz her."

"Right, well Buckshot Barney, real name William Barnett, was carrying his loot down the mountain pass on a couple of pack mules when a torrential rain began. It turned the ground to mud and delayed them. He was going to be late to meet up with his business partner, so he lightened their load by burying over half the gold up on the mountain. This would have been fine, only he died before he could go back for it or tell anyone where it was."

"Gold star for Macy!"

Macy batted her eyelashes. "Well, gold is our theme!"

I made a gagging gesture to Flora, who stifled a laugh. Surely, this would be the transformative healing experience Janene had promised before excusing herself from having to partake in it.

Meanwhile, the air stank like pine scented floor cleaner. Too many trees, each one aiming its aroma at my nostrils. I covered my mouth with the inside of my elbow as I let out a sharp cough. It would be all Alek's fault if all the nature I was inhaling made me go into anaphylactic shock. Or heatstroke. The sun had already identified me as a person inclined to air conditioning; it wasn't long before it had mocked me for it, causing rivulets of sweat to drip down the back of my neck.

"Are we there yet?"

Alek turned to meet my juvenile question and for a moment, his cute boy dimples disappeared. Façade gone, he let a second of scowl shadow his face before returning to the carefree expression he wore with such ironic care. He hated me, and for my part, I was doing everything I could to keep it that way.

"Not even close," he said with his chipper adventure guide voice. You can walk the rest of the way, Verity. Buckshot Barney and his crew did!"

"No, they didn't. They rode mules."

"So, you have been paying attention! Guess you get a gold star too."

"Awesome. I'll put it next to my Grammy."

My father chuckled as Alek continued unabated.

"It's only four more miles to the spot where Barney made camp after burying his treasure. It's not likely we'll find anything of value there, of course, but it's a good stopping point for the night."

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